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Greydog last won the day on December 20

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    X5 E70 3.0d
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  1. Yay just the pipes to replace now 🤣 Have a Great Christmas Stu Dave
  2. Morning Andrew BMW ISTA/INPA is a program I have loaded onto an old Windows laptop I brought it probably 6 to 8 years ago as an upgrade to the copy of INPA I already owned as an aside the same Laptop has copies of several Diagnostics Mercedes Star Volvo I also have a copy of BMW 1.4.0 on there If you are mounting it on a Laptop I would go for ISTA/INPA cost should be around £100 when buying go for a good supplier offering back up (as always cheapest isnt always best) Your E61 will have around 100 Control ECU's and Sensors ISTA will find and read them all or show them as a Greyed out box. These can be ivestigated and fixed as the program includes Wiring Diagrams Workshop Information with Pictures and Diagrams which obviously are a great help My neibour brought iCarsoft for BMW which has free upgrades (he tells me) I have looked at it and it seems very good but lacks the WIS obviously again a one off cost BMW themselves started to block access to their Technical Information website now subscription only in 2019 they also did the same for their parts website but for cars up to 2019 it is still a great tool. Hope this helps not hinders Dave
  3. Morning Andrew That sounds like a good deal getting the tyres set up The best is BMW ISTA/INPA this will give full dealer access and also includes WIS (Workshop Information) TIS (Technical Information) Wiring Diagrams plus allowing registration of parts and programming I still see copies available for around £100 to £150 there is also stand alone systems like Foxwell, Autologic and iCarsoft Good Luck Happy Christmas Dave
  4. Morning Mike Welcome to the Forum Check your settings for your phone first make sure it isn't something there Then check the settings in your iDrive from memory there used to be a check box that needed a tick From memory there were several Video's on the Net about setting the car up Good Luck Dave
  5. Another year coming to a close 😁 Wishing everyonea Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Hoping nothing wears out or drops off and the same goes for your cars Dave
  6. Hi Paul Welcome to the Forum Check www.realoem.com it is a BMW online parts list put the last 7 Digits of your Vin number into the search box it will bring up your model then search the Trim section for the part plus any fixings of course (I know someone who didn't ) Also check whether you need the wheel arch trims Once you have the part numbers Google them to see what comes up, BMW of course but will be £££ but may be BMW recyclers like Quarry Motors will be competitive Good Hunting Dave
  7. Morning Ash Welcome to the Forum I would start with a Diagnostic scan by someone with a BMW capable system that should narrow down where to look. ZF who make the Gearbox in your car recommend it is serviced every 60k to 100k (Fluid Filter changed and solenoids inspected) Good Luck Dave
  8. Who has a need for single wheel ?? If a wheel has been damaged maybe but even then is it the correct size Front or Rear?
  9. Whoop Whoop well done Andrew BMW (and BMW Specialists) used to insist the rear arm was changed complete, absolute twaddle of course. Bushes and even PTFE replacements are available, the job will require a 4 wheel alignment if the bushes are changed. If your existing bushes are just showing their age then an alignment will stop or at least slow down tyre wear Dave
  10. Morning Rob Welcome to the Forum Fail Safe (Reduced Power) it is there to protect the engine and other components Fail Safe can be triggered by the gearbox as anexample, when was the gearbox last serviced? The engine has a whole raft of sensors and their wiring that can trigger the same condition so I would start with a Full Diagnostic scan (you have something like 100 plus systems and sensors) once you have a list of fault codes we will have a better chance of helping. Dave
  11. Morning Darren Living in the land of 20mph speed limits certainly isnt going to help, to get the Soot burned off even though you have triggered it with Carly will need a bit of Help. Engine revs need to be at around 3000rpm Engine needs all Glow Plugs working as they are used to achieve high combustion temperatures, if 1 is not working the Regen Cycle may not work. Hope this helps Dave
  12. Hi Andrew Welcome to the Forum First the Dealer is a business and will try to generate Profit where it can. If you are capable of changing Oil and Filters yourself do so and keep all reciepts as part of the cars History Spark Plugs these are normally mileage based for change or if of course showing signs of failing the same applies to coil packs Micro Filter and Air filter these items I change annually as the cost is so low If you are not into DIY then Google the Register of BMW Specialists these garages normally are BMW trained technicians with all the equipment to maintain your car but their hourly rates are often about half that of a Dealership (someone has to pay for the Free coffee) With the BMW Specialists many can register your service records held on the BMW servers and update them. When servicing my own cars annually I buy Mann Filters Air and oil (OEM suppliers)and Castrol Magnatec 5-30 oil which meets BMW LL04 standards cost is around £70. I carry out the work near to MOT time so I can check the car over. I have my own BMW Diagnostics allowing me to rest any service points and of course find and reset fauts Dave
  13. Morning Doug Welcome to the Forum Sad to say PDC sensor failures are not uncommon. As a starting point all the sensor connections need checking (plenty of information online) then cleaning and remaking, as an example on the X5 the inner front sensors live under the headlamp washer ! If the washer starts to leak/drip it lands on the connector (guess how I know) I have also seen loom damage so a careful check would be my starting point. Thats your Christmas Holiday taken care of 😅 Dave
  14. Morning Paul Welcome to the Forum I know nothing about Samsung phones, but did have a similar problem with the bluetooth connection in the X5. Connection worked incoming calls could be answered but no Phone Book ? if I reset the connection sometimes it would load then next engine start loose it Phone was a Motorol G54. The phone started charging really slowly so changed it Motorola G84 all fixed so phone not car. Mind my G54 Motorola was about 6 years old 😁 So check the Phone settings carefully would be my starting point or like one of my sons just let it go to message !! My wife asked once "are you going to answer that" he said why if its important they will leave a message or call back later I love technology but then I need it to work Good Luck Dave
  15. Out shooting Thursday got to keep my dogs busy 🤣🤣 Good luck Stu
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