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Everything posted by Greydog

  1. Seems BMW DVD readers are fussy things (Nav and Entertainment) have you tried running a head cleaner to see if it helps? You could try Cartronix they seem to be able to upgrade/fix most BMW bits (Dash, Nav, BM radio, etc) If your really brave with steady hands you could try changing the DVD reader head yourself. Any way as an old bloke children should be bored in the car it was part of the journey when I was a kid, "are we there yet"
  2. Can you Jump/charge the battery using the under bonnet charging point enough to allow the locks to operate?
  3. Ouch!! I have to say I am on my second V8 X5 and not wanting to tempt fate both have been OK the first died when a tree got blown down in Jan and squashed it. The current is a 4.6 and so far apart from suspension bushes oils and filters is going well. I hope your new engine brings the smile back, big plus for the V8 your neighbours wont think you came home in a taxi
  4. Doesn't sound good, whats gone wrong ? Timing chain guides and tensioner are a common source of noises but can be replaced as can the cam chain tensioner's without removing the engine from the car. Neither is cheap but still cheaper than an engine. If the engine is the only way then there is an Alpina B10 engine on Ebay being sold as a bare unit no ancillaries. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BMW-Alpina-B10-V8-4-6-BMW-X5-4-6is-V8-4-6-ENGINE-/281249883795?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item417bcca693
  5. Found this on realoem this is the box in the engine bay relay 3 is for the cigarette lighter (Australian Market) cant think it would be different for any where else could be worth a look
  6. From what I understand yes Cig lighters and power outlets are all linked. You need a wiring diagram to be able to check, I would guess that there has to be a relay in the mix somewhere. Have you checked the fuse/relay box in the engine bay? Passenger side up by the windscreen. I haven't looked at realoem to see if there is any help there (its helped me a couple of times) or search for wiring diagrams on the net. One thought my Nav stopped working (no power) I checked and cleaned all the normal things connections and fuses no joy I thought of replacement then as last try I changed the fuse all back to normal?? The fuse I removed tested OK weird.
  7. Have you checked fuse 54 20 amp it is hidden behind the fuse box in the glove box and from what I been told a real mission to reach. You can check www.realoem.com put the last 7 digits of your chassis number in, Good Luck
  8. Oh and WELCOME
  9. Battery first stop get it checked if its original it will defo be on its last legs
  10. I it for the E70 or the E53?
  11. You can fit a video in put lead and a DVB TV tuner have a look on Ebay
  12. I don't think there are any sellers in the UK. Why not buy from the US ? just google X5 extended front prop shaft. What symptoms are you getting? If it;s vibration it could be the transfer box chain.
  13. Checked the Webasto unit fuses?
  14. Morning Congratulations on your car sounds good. I will try and help 1) Bluetooth (Just will not recognise my iphone 5, followed all the instructions but its not having it) BMW bluetooth modules have changed many times and your not alone with pairing difficulties. First you say your following the instructions, you are pressing the pairing button in the armrest and not the steering wheel aren't you? The other way is to buy a BMW 1.4.0 scanner (about £20 from ebay) and run it on an a laptop, you will be able to read codes reset them etc plus you can start pairing through it. That s how I got mine paired. 2) Aux heater (works fine, timer works as should but its blowing out cold air only) Have you got a Webasto unit under the bonnet? If not you have Aux Ventilation not heating. 3) Wing Mirrors (Passenger side keeps moving out of place, could be something to do with the gear The mirror will tilt down when in reverse? Or is it the complete housing moving? If it is then you will need to take the rear cover off to see what is happening inside the mirror could just be something loose, gear repair kits are availble on ebay if that is the issue. You will need a thin trim removal tool start at the bottom and release the clips then the side then the back will tilt out and lift away, just take your time lots of "How too's" on You tube.
  15. It doesn't sound good sadly, it could be so many things. I would find a good autobox specialist who can read any codes and pressure test the box.Get ready for a big bill if it needs rebuilding.
  16. Did you get a result Braddaz??
  17. With your car don't you have streaming through bluetooth?
  18. Oh crap, in that case my first thought is find someone (BMW Specialist Indi or Gearbox specialist) with the right software (autologic) and get the gearbox codes read and software updated see if that works. Fingers crossed for you buddy
  19. If you search the forums you will find this is a fairly common issue, having said that I am on my second X5 and haven't experienced any "lurches". As you have only just purchased the car I would take it back and if they can't fix it get your money back. The remedy could be a software upgrade, a gearbox fluid change and upgrade or worst case scenario a full gearbox rebuild !! On other forums I have read that this will cost you £2-3k. Before I brought my first X5 I talked to a local BMW specialist, his advice was take the car for a long test and make sure absolutely everything works as it should, every button every switch. Then turn it off restart and test it all again, these are very complex cars and finding and fixing can be very expensive. If any thing doesn't work smoothly and properly walk away.
  20. You can also use a 1.4.0 scanner with your lap top and read and reset codes plus set Auto locking, lighting, mirrors and many other functions.
  21. Can't speak for the F15 but several E53 owners have retro fitted Paddle shifts as I understand it there are 2 systems SMG and DSG. Reading other threads on other forums you need the steering wheel, a matching contact ring for the steering column and the loom to the selector mechanism. My personal experience for what it's worth, I have had paddle shifts on two cars and really never used it. Just like the manual select sport gearbox only used for a few times when new after that if sits in full auto, but then I am an old bloke!!
  22. Thinking through logically Drive and Propshaft speed will increase with road speed as will the gearbox internals so are you sure its gearbox? The issue seems to be engine speed related so could it be water pump? alternator? or aircon compressor? or engine driven fan. These items will be affected by engine speed not road speed. They are also the simpler/cheaper to fix items. The only other thing it could be is Torque converter that is engine speed driven but that is a box out fix so ££££'s I hope its the simpler things. Just my thoughts
  23. Check out RealOEM.com enter the last 7 digits of your chassis number you can look at drawings and part numbers relevant to your cars spec. Plus where they are and how they fit I just looked and the part numbers 3.0D / 4.6 are the same (37146784697) Hope that helps
  24. Apparently the BMW V8's are really suitable for LPG so no problems with Valves. I haven't looked at the LPG prices £1 a litre I will check that out Thanks. The 4.4 covered about 20k in my hands with no faults or issues about half dragging a Horse Box and I would still be driving it but for a hundred foot Cedar tree that blew over and squashed it in Jan, Hey Ho. Still the 4.6 is a great car and so far very reliable (touches wood) tempting fate now. For what its worth the MPG of the 3.0litre and the 4.4 aren't that different but the V8; was cheaper to buy thats how I ended up with the 4.4 that and the sound. Good luck with the hunt for a car
  25. I ran a 4.4 X5 LPG for just over 2 years and it was great. I brought the X5 to tow a Horse Box the LPG was already fitted, having run several V8's I budgeted or around 15mpg average. The LPG Tank was 85 litres this meant filling up cost about £40 (60 ltr @ 69.9 p/ltr av), towing we got around 180/200 miles and Motorway without the horse box 250 miles. So about the same mpg but at almost half the cost Bargain. When we got the car the LPG system was a bit hit and miss (BRC) I found an LPG installer close to us (Billingshurst) Paul the owner was great he inspected the system upgraded the injectors reprogrammed it and tidied up the installation. He also registered it on the LPG site, I am currently waiting for Paul to convert the 4.6
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