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Everything posted by sw20

  1. thanks Gav, quick question about the chain tho, does this not have a life span as i know on the Honda Accords they last about 120k and cost about £1800 to replace?
  2. cheers guys, is there anything i should look out for when buying for one as the ones in my budget will have at least 100 - 150k on the clock? like when are cambelt changes due etc etc? thanks Kern
  3. agree with the above^^
  4. Hi all, thought i'd join up as am looking to hopefully get a e46 320d touring as wanting to replace my current car which is a Honda Civic Aerodeck vti, which has been a cracking car but am now needing something more economical and newer! Not completey new to the bmw scene as before the deck i owned a e30 325i! before that i had a 280bhp MR2 turbo. been lurking on here and now am hoping to gain some knowledge and advise from you guys, like i said i'm hoping to get a 320d touring on a 51 to 54 plate, the ones i've been looking at have round about 100k to 150k, and i'll prob add 10k a year to that mileage! anything to look out for/avoid for a car with this sort of mileage? any help and advise welcome!! Cheers
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