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  1. I can imagin im a bit gutted iv had to take it off as it was a really nice lip compared to alot of them out there ....
  2. i have just done some gooleing and looking at pics of mine and genuin schnitzers and the only things schnitzer on mine are the wheels handbrake gear ##### theouter door trims and also a really nice front lower lip but took off as it is badly damaged :(
  3. im hopeing it does have :) i will sort out all the paper work for it when i get it and be sure to to share my finds with you :) im hopeing to have it ready next year as there is some bits that need sorting mainly silly bits but four tyres im in need of so they and mot will have to wait untill new year
  4. evening all :) iv been told by last owner that it was rolling roaded about 3 years ago at 260bhp as i said i havent received the history for it yet am im sure if it is that power there will be a print out to prove .as for engine mods i couldnt tell you :( iv only driven it myself for about 15 mins down back roads home so it was about a 25mph trip i got it as a restoration project and is sorn :( as i say the car belonged to my mate so i have been in it many time and it is awesome :) my mate owend this car for four years and the owner before had spent around 7500 . im gratefull for all of your info :)
  5. yes that is what im thinking im still waiting on all the history for it but it has had 1000s spent on it .as for a print out i will have look an see and yes if there is i show but to be honest after reading chrislux info i feel a bit gutted and thinking of selling when she is finished
  6. thinking of selling my car next year if anyone maybe interested

  7. hi there i allready have a full stainless and maifolds im currently looking at a ram air filter as it has a cold air feed direct into the sealed filter . but yes i think a remap is in need many thanks :)
  8. many thanks for your info :) just talking to last owner who happens to be my flat mate an he said that is what he was told it was :wacko: or maybe some confusion as it has schnitzer parts fitted thanks again chris :) gav .... +1 ???
  9. looking for a m3 front bumper with evo spliter if anyone has fro sale ?????

  10. i wasnt going to get a kit but i did see the kits on ebay and then it got me thinking .thanks for your advice :) as for the upgradeing the pistons i dont have the funds or the know how :( my car is said to be running 260bhp although i do not know what mods it has other than manifold and exhurst internally i dont know but its running the standard airfilter is this worth changing at all ??? was looking at ramair sealed with a direct air feed into the filter
  11. hi there :D can anyone give me any advice on doing a turbo conversion on my e36 323i schnitzer ??? and also how much boost can be run with the standard pistons etc ??? many thanks :D :D
  12. currently restoreing my e36 schnitzer :) :)

  13. Hi there does anyone know about the engine specs of the e36 ac schnitzer 323i ???
  14. Steve

    Welcome to the BMW Owners Club Dazz :)

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