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Everything posted by bimmer247

  1. It turns over perfect just won't fire won't even cough or try but has a strong turn over ok
  2. E46 sorry not e49 lol
  3. Hi there little help please my 2000 reg e49 320d has been diagnosed with a blown turbo but car won't start at all is this correct sorry to sound thick but all of the petrol turbo cars I have owned with blown turbo the car has still started but smoked is it right for a diesel to not run at all when code turbo gone. Cheers in advance
  4. ok cut a long story short my 2003 bmw 318 e46 has not been started for 3 months i went to it today done fresh fuel new oil and filter turned engine over by hand and had a genral visual check for anything wrong i then connected the jump leads to it and begane to start the car it took alot of turning over coughing and spluttering sometimes only got a clicking noise as if battery was really flat other times it would turn over fine but we kept trying for about 20 mins and then eventually fired up but with a god almighty loud and i mean very loud tapping noise coming from the top end and a very intermitant like deep poping back noise coming from like bottom end but this was very rare and only poped like 3 times in 2 mins i had a mechanic friend look at it and he said its acting like the timing is out is also dont really want to stay running for very long unless you keep the jump leads on it please please any ideas any one
  5. hi everyone decided to do a bottom end rebuild on my e46 318 2003 dose anyone no were i can get all the parts i will need at a decent price many thanks in advance
  6. ok but we are talking about a £500 difference in price if i can use the m42 can anyone please tell me what i would have to change if anything cheers i can buy a m42 for like £350 with low miles or a high mile n42 for £1100
  7. hi everyone i brought my first bmw 318 e46 2003 saloon today while driving home the engine siezed i love the car so went on the hunt for an engine and not sure what to do cause i have discovered there is a 318 e46 M 42 engine and also an N 42 i think i have worked out mine is a N42 but can i use the M42 engine as they seem a bit cheaper or are they totally different hope somone can help here cheers
  8. hi newbie here just brought my first bmw 2003 e46 318 i really love this car but have a fault already just wanted to say a big hello to everyone and hopefully get some help cheers
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