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  1. Magnitex full system will sound awesome mate!
  2. Cheers guys!
  3. Does anyone know if u can fit a turbo to a e46 323?? If so what ones are good?? Or anyone know any other way to get a high performance upgrade? For £ 1000 or under?!? Thanks guys!
  4. SamTe46


    Ok cheers guys, I need to do note research I think, I've heard mixed things about them!
  5. SamTe46


    Hey has anyone ever run with toyo proxes t1r tyres on theyr BMW?? If so how are they? Thanks
  6. What brand and model tyres are they??
  7. Couldn't get any photos up on here, but have got some up on the BMW owners club page on facebook!
  8. The roads around me are so icy atm and seeing ad it's my day off it'd have been rude not to take advantage, a quick drive up to the moor and loads of fun after that!!! Was lucky not to get stuck tho!!!
  9. Like the choice, I've got e46 323 n also got csl's on it! A gd Choice I reckon! And welcome!!!!
  10. Hi, in 21 and my 325se costs me 1700 a year, and petrol goes quick!! Stick to 320d and ul love it!!!! Cheap cost but lovely car!!
  11. Hi, stick some CSL alloys on it, m3 bootlip spoiler, n lower it 30mm, that's what I've done to mine and it looks pretty sweet, smartly modified and nothing to over the top! + a viper induction kit helps aswel, sounds rele throaty n will help a little with the performance! Hope this helps
  12. I see you are all also chatting on facebook, add me. Sam truscott , profile pic of my car and an astra conv. Speak soon!
  13. Lol I pay 1750 p/a for my car!!! N that's 21 with a Beemer, worth it tho, prob cost me more a month in petrol than insurance, all adds to the love for bmws!!
  14. Hi all, thanks for the warm welcome! Trying to get photos on but having problems! Have contacted administrator so we will c!
  15. Hey, I've just joined the site, I've got a 323e46 and it's brill, just wana say hi, and wandering if anyone knows if any meets take place in the southwest?? If so, where abouts? I live in Plymouth but will gladly travel if a gd meets on! Thanks, Sam!
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