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Jon Burson

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Everything posted by Jon Burson

  1. thanks guys
  2. http://www.ebay.com/itm/BMW-E32-E34-540i-740i-EH-Gearbox-Switch-On-Center-Console-Premium-Quality-/140701469838?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Year%3A1994%7CMake%3ABMW%7CModel%3A740iL%7CSubmodel%3ABase%7CEngine+-+Liter_Display%3A4.0L&hash=item20c2760c8e&vxp=mtr HERE IS ANOTHER EXAMPLE...
  3. http://realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?model=GD83&mospid=47364&btnr=61_0746&hg=61&fg=35&hl=28 it's # 4 on the list. It's also located directly to the left of the shifter it has a "A/*" on it.
  4. What the hell does the P/N-1318365969 Auto-Manual-SWITCH-EH-GEARBOX do?mine dont do anything...
  5. Trying to find a chip that's compatible with my 740s CPU...!

  6. Trying to find a chip that's compatible with my 740s CPU...!

  7. So this is my DME. I am trying to find a chip that is compatible with it. It's in a 1994 740iL with a 4.0 V8 AT. 09/1993 is in the jam. Can ANYONE help me find one please???
  8. I don't have much room to talk. However I had just bought a 1994 740iL that had 204,000 mi on it's 4.0 V8. And my very good friend Ross has a late 90's 3 Series, a newer X5, a 6 Series and a GS. I have seen all these vehicles under full operation. And it's my firm belief that my 7 Series has more stock HP than any of my friends vehicles. Granted he has a straight 6 cyl in the 3 Series and has a stage 2 clutch with a upgraded rear axle, my car feels like it too has the same amount of force in the acceleration. The ride is very pleasing. To put it lightly, it rides like a cloud. I am very glad that I picked this one for my first BMW!
  9. so here's some pix Rhonda.
  10. so I just finished tearing her apart. I'm not sure why but the battery drain and noise all dissapeared as soon as unplugged the A/C Control Module. I plan to replace both the module and the "sword". Anyone know where I can go to replace these with really reliable parts at a reasonable price?
  11. First off, I came to the belief that there is in fact 2 problems with my new 740iL. 1 is most likely the infamous "sword" resister. Because after hours of research I found that the cause to my blower only operating at full speed was the "sword". This has yet to be replaced. 2 is the one I first mentioned to start the topic. All I can say is that there is some electcial noise that is emmiting from somewhere behind the radio. Still not sure what is causing my battery drain though. But I'm very confident that this battery drain is most likely caused by the Anti-Theft System.
  12. I have a 1994 740iL with a 4.0 V8. I have a moderate battery drain as long as fuse number 20 is plugged in. When the car is off, I hear a somewhat quiet electrical noise under the cowl on the firewall underneath the dashboard. I need to figure this out. Please reply with some input, thank you.
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