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Everything posted by Leeh1

  1. It's a 2005 520d I think it's the E60 model
  2. Hi jack I think the battery is the original and I don't know about the codes the service lights have been reset it says on the idrive front parking light out?
  3. Hi guys I have a control message saying parking light failure but I have checked it and it works fine any ideas??? Also engine is feeling a bit flat on acceleration feels like driving with 2 flats all pressures are fine tho thanks
  4. No problem cheers daz
  5. Hi got a control message sayin that front parking light is out but I have looked and it is working any ideas please also it's feeling a bit flat power wise ie revs go up but speed doznt reflect not thinkin clutch? Cheers
  6. Will do thanks Daz
  7. Thanks for that Jack do you know if my air filter is on the left where the air intake is ?
  8. Hi guys new to the forum just wondering if anyone can tell me what engine i have in my car please am looking to change the air filter and after some advice thanks
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