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Everything posted by fordf350camper

  1. I now have the total wiring out.I am going to use the bmw rear and front suspension.Bmw brakes all bmw.SO i will the know the auto box will work.
  2. I never seen so many wires.I have took it in the bedroom so no one nicks it.I am so glad i labled it.Its so heavy.
  3. Its not now as i have took the total wiring harness out.
  4. Hi Gav i dont no how to do a link but this is the ebay item number 320969524002 it says bmw 530d exploding air bag cable. This cable is under the carpet so why would you want a air bag under the carpet.Thanks
  5. Should say on ebay it says.!Removed! phone keys are to small
  6. I no its a battery wire.but its soft and if you look on ebay it days air bag battery wire so what i want to no is what does it do.Does it blow up like a air bag does if so why.And if it does that which i dont want can i just swap it for a normal red cable
  7. Hi as you no now i am trying to fit the bmw 530D in my truck i have now removed the total wiring harness.I have been told the main thick red battery wire is a air bag is this true.If so what does it do.Can i remove it swap it for some heavy duty cable or dp i just leave it thanks
  8. Hi whats the widest wheels you could fit to a 530 tourer outwards.Thats safe with not to much strain on the hubs.Dont worrie abot them being wider than the body i just want to no whats the widest.Sam 17 inch
  9. Yep i see the speed sensor but is there somethink called rings that do the speed what do they look like are they like a cog.Do you no what the engine and the gear box weight is thanks again
  10. Whats this bit its under all the four wheel arch.Is it the abs sensor.I am trying to look for the speed sensor that tells the auto gearbox to change gear.I What does it look like.Thanks
  11. I havnt got the engine or box out yet. What do i need to look for on the box thanks
  12. So does that mean 4 speed sensors. So have i some how got to keep the speed sensors.same as the ABS got to keep that as well.any look on what to do with the speedp. I think the trouble is i want auto.To be honest i have been thinking of getting a diesel out of somethink else or a ford v8 But thats not what i want.thanks
  13. Hi the ford gearbox is manual and i am sure it wouldnt fit.I could have broght a manual bmw but i really wanted a auto. Could you tell me is the ABS on all the four wheels.Are the speed sensors on all the four wheels to or just the rear. thanks
  14. Hi so it looks like i will have to keep the abs.I have been told this before.And i have been told the gears work on road speed.So to sum it all up do you think its possible.So are we saying the engine will start with no abs plugged in but it will not drive,So i will need it,
  15. I will keep all the bmw auto gear shift as it is.i will use the bmw pedals
  16. Hi i am putting the engine in the first truck which is manual its the sencond one thats colume change.luckly i have a bill were the engine was rebuilt at 100.00k bills say cost 4k. I want to keep it auto.i will try and keep the rear axle then put wide wheels on it.the front at the moment is a beam axle like whats on the LDV convoy.pitty the rear axle on the bm couldnt be made widder.thanks
  17. Hi thanks again its a 2002 i have thanks
  18. You may like my other one as well a ford f350 1955 took to the Netherlands as a chassis cab.Runs the original straight six engine lhd colume gears.
  19. The truck is a 1957 ford f350 fire crew truck.Took as a chassis and cab to sweden from the USA.
  20. what engine is it i have Then at least i no when i need parts.I am so glad you like it i was a bit worried that you wouldnt be keen fitting a Bmw engine in it.If i get rid of the ecu that i dont need how many should i be left with.Thanks again for the help.
  21. Car the engine coming out of
  22. Hi thank you for the help very greatfull. Its a 1950 american truck. I keep getting told that i will need the abs set up to make the engine work as this has the speed sensor in it as well.The reason to swap the diff is as i dont think i can use the bmw axle so small not very wide.
  23. Hi well i have the donor car complete.So the idea is to do away with as many ecu as possible.Air bags,central locking.Air con.What i want to know first of all is if these things are unplugged will the engine still run.Also will the engine run if i dont use the abs braking as again will the engine run or will it go in limp mode.What gauges can i use if i dont use the bmw one which i dont want to.So the idea is i have the bmw 530d auto.I want to keep it as auto i will find a rear axle with a similar rear axle ratio.I would like less ecus.I will have to sort out the speed sensors.Are these in the front hubs and rear to.What do they look like as i dont want to sell the parts that i will need thanks hope you can help
  24. Hi i sent you a message thank you
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