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Superman001 last won the day on August 20 2013

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  • BMW Model
    E39 525i
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  1. Welcome.
  2. Welcome aboard.
  3. Welcome aboard.
  4. Welcome
  5. Welcome
  6. 5 series replacement, 1999 Jaguar XJ8 4.0 V8
  7. Welcome
  8. Due to an accident last week it looks like my 525i is going to be written off. I do plan to get another BMW in the future but at the moment im driving a 1999 Jag XJ8 4.0, it was a toss up between the Jag and a E38 740i and I couldnt find a BMW local to me.
  9. Welcome.
  10. Welcome to the forum, sounds like you got a bargain there, seen lots of E36's do well over 200k.
  11. Very nice, can't go wrong with red leather interior.
  12. As Daz said could just be a fuse hopefully, not sure if the 7 series has similar issues as the 5 series like the fsr (final stage resistor) which can affect the heater system.
  13. Im not that familiar with your engine but I know the M54 engines sometimes have cooling system issues. Probably a good idea to replace the radiator hoses at the same time as a preventative measure as these can split after a few years.
  14. Its always good to be an optimist, welcome aboard and get some pics up when you can :D James
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