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Everything posted by Seasider_Pow

  1. Thanks Tommo Are these things I can easily check myself and/or are you aware of any on-line guides as to how to go about it? Andy
  2. After a Mk2 Golf GTI, 5 Audis and a Sunbeam Tiger I have finally found myself in a BMW 5 Series. Why did I wait so long!!! However, I do still miss the Golf and the Tiger (you should try a 4.8 v8 in a small 1960's 2 seater someday!) I love the new car (e39 525i, 104k), though it does have some issues that I'd welcome advice on. 1. On uneven surfaces the ABS kicks in even under light braking (and if I'm honest, not very uneven surfaces). This seems to be happening more frequently. 2. The steering is heavy. A friend who used to own the same model drove it and made the comment. Whilst I quite like it (the golf had no power steering and was the best car for feel I've owned - but the hardest to park), the wife isn't so keen. I'd like to know what could be causing it and if it is an easy fix. 3. pixels on the dash LED(?) display come and go. I can live with this, but again wondered if it is a common problem and an easy fix. 4. Has anyone tried winter tyres? Quite hilly where we live so the motor wasn't the best in last weeks snow and ice. Have to say this forum looks very friendly and helpful. Is everyone just getting into the Christmas spirit? ;-) Andy
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