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Everything posted by AndycX5

  1. Cheers for the replies, I just wanted to see how far id get on a full tank and it turns out not too far :lol:
  2. Just wondering if someone can help me with this... I ran my car down to 7 miles on the range and then filled the tank right back up to the brink, This was only 75.80 litres of diesel however it is says on the net that the tanks capacity is 93 litres. Surely there cant be 17 litres of diesel left in the tank when the range reaches 0??? Any idea's people?
  3. Hi, Just wondering if anyone has ever come across this before and what needed repairing or replacing. When I put a full tank of diesel in it usually takes a day or two to fully register on the dash and range, on using the car it goes down to between quarter and half a tank then just stay's there (usually around 190 miles shown on the range). This has caused me to run out of diesel once before and bug's the life out of me! Sometimes it will remember it's self and go from 190 miles to 30 or so on the range. Any help would be much appreciated. Cheer's
  4. Turned out to be a blocked diesel line, all sorted now though. Cheer's
  5. Will do thank's for the help
  6. I think that's what i will have to do Gav, hopefully it's not going to cost a fortune to fix :huh:
  7. Sorry Jack been out for the day, it is the 181hp m57 and the only thing i had done a couple of day's prior was fit 'error free' xenon white sidelight bulbs. I was told it could'nt be that but i put them back to standard just incase it was them
  8. Disconnected the earth from the battery last night and reconnected it this morning and still not starting :(
  9. Haha yeah that's what I thought, if the pump had gone and there was still the small amount of fuel in the lines to get me to the end of the road but not enough to start it back up :/
  10. I will give that a go, Thanks for the help guy's.
  11. So far people has said it will be, 1: diesel pump 2: fuel relay 3: battery. I don't see how it could be the battery as it was cranking when i was turning the key and all the electrics worked but i was told to check it anyway
  12. It would'nt go past about 2k revs but did'nt seem to be lumpy
  13. yes it was performing fine leading up to this Gav
  14. There was no black smoke or misfire it just went really slugish as if there was no diesel coming through as i pressed the accelerator, i had put 20 litres of diesel in the day before this happened and the range was at 176 miles, the car has just had a full service last month and the levels appear to be fine, it did'nt overheat and no warning lights came up on the dash.
  15. Hi, Just wondering if someone could give me some pointers on what might be up with my 2003 3.0d automatic X5, The other day I was driving up a steep hill as I pressed the accelerator down there was no change in power and the car struggled to get to the top, I drove about 400 yards to my girlfriends house at the end of the road with the car not accelerating no matter how hard I pushed down on the pedal. I left the car outside returning to it about 2 hours later to find when I turned the key it was cranking but not firing up. The car had to be recovered to my house where it still wont start, any ideas on what may be the problem??? Thank's Andy
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