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melinamotor last won the day on October 15 2024

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    E46 M3 coupe.
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  1. I would be checking the correct pipes are in the correct places on the hydraulic pump, top and side should be numbered (if someone has bodged it before this might not be the case), also checking all cables are free to move and not snagging or stretched.
  2. Welcome
  3. No idea if I'm working or not and its a bit of a trek but I might shoot up.
  4. Lovely cars the old 6's, nice on the eye and nice to waft along in, good luck with it I hope things go to plan.
  5. Like a kid at Christmas lol, don't worry I'm the wrong side of 40 and know exactly where your coming from :)
  6. Well I've sweet talked the missus, stage one complete :)
  7. Could be anything from a fried relay to the pre supply pump or crank position sensor.
  8. Over 100k miles by any chance?
  9. Is it making any knocking noises over bumps, are the front tyres the same make, are the wheels balanced properly, do you get any whining noises when either wheel is under load during cornering. Are the wheels buckled anywhere, tyre pressures ok etc. Please define "wobbly" :)
  10. Just when you think your over an old flame you see her again and think mmm, why did I ever give that up. After creaming myself over a mint 40k miler E21 at a mates workshop and I mean MINT, I was tootling home when a gorgeous rich metallic blue E30 went the other way. Yeah it had been lowered a tad but it had a nice stance because of it, damn it I want one again!
  11. like I said, an E46 330 or an E36 328, my pick for driver enjoyment would be the older 328 as the E36 feels more lithe, the E46 has a nicer cabin though.
  12. The only sure fire way is plugging it in to a diagnostic reader, doesn't have to be at BM though. I had a similar problem regarding ABS and speedo, on mine the speedo was nearside rear sensor, however if you have had the sensor replaced a diagnostic may be in order. When you had the sensor replaced was a reset performed on the system and were the reluctor rings checked for corrosion? I'm not to familiar with the X5 and the fuel module bit is odd so I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm talking rubbish :)
  13. I used to own a E46 330ci before the M3, if your not doing high miles why not ;), E36 328 is also a corker and feels even better to drive than the 46.
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