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Everything posted by Hollywood

  1. Thanks, Dave -will do! Nice to see another Gooner so quickly hahahaha
  2. Cheers, mate - will try it tomorrow and report back. To be fair the connectors (yellow and blue) are so loose even when properly clipped in, ain't they??!!
  3. Thanks, Martin! Looking forward to getting to know you guys and once I'm more experienced, maybe even contribute where I can...
  4. Thanks Martin! Haven't tried the WD40 thing - is that safe, mate? I'll give it a go if you reckon it's safe hahahaha!! I'll be giving the seats a slap or two soon enough, I think!
  5. Hi guys, Bought a used Cooper 'S' 2003 (52 plate) a few weeks ago and just started getting into the little issues it has so need a helping hand if you could be so kind. There are a few different 'problems' so I hope I don't annoy you by putting them all here and not necessarily in their respective forums. Sorry. 1) when pulling away from stand still, the car often makes a strange loud noise a bit like a squeak but not quite. The only way I can describe it is as if you we're rubbing your finger on glass but a lot louder! - any ideas what this is and what can be done? Would a new clutch stop this or can the clutch be adjusted like older cars used to be able to? 2) the airbag light has randomly come on. I certainly haven't bashed the car! I posted a more detailed explanation of this earlier today, if that helps? 3) the Xenon headlamp washers simply don't work. I was told they work when the lights are on at varied (unpredictable) sequences. I have tried everything I can (long squirts, waiting 5 mins in between squirts etc). I can physically push out the jets from under the bonnet and have checked the pipe work hasn't come loose. There is also plenty of fluid in the reservoir. The windscreen and rear screen washers work perfectly... Is there a fuse or relay that I can access and check or replace? 4) the car has the factory fitted round spot lamps/driving lamps fitted but the near-side one doesn't work. I've tried a new bulb and that makes no difference. I want to remove the lamp and try the off-side lamp in its place to determine if its a fault with the lamp itself of the wiring but I can't seem to undo the nut - tried loads of WD-40 and left it for hours, too but all that happens is the lamp turns with the nut??!! - any tips on this? Any advice you chaps can give would be appreciated. This is my first ever MINI and also my first "owned" vehicle having driven company cars for the last 10 years! Thank you!!!
  6. Hi all, New member so apologies if bringing up an old subject. Recently bought a 52 plate Cooper 'S' and the airbag light has come on. I read elsewhere that this is pretty commonly to do with the wires under the front seats. To be fair, the light came on the first time after I had adjusted the passenger seat a few days after i bought it so that checks out as far as I'm concerned... Anyway, my friend reset the light at his garage but within a day it was back on, so I looked underneath to check the connections on both seats. They are as flimsy as you like so I unplugged them all, re-routed the wiring harness under both seats to stop the 'snagging' and then duct taped the connectors together in an cheap attempt to resolve the problem. Went back to my mates garage and he reset the light again. Literally five mins down the road, it's back on??!! I'm too embarrassed to ask him to reset the light yet again so I'm looking to buy one of the SRS light reset tools myself. I have read loads of people suggesting the 'B200' or the 'B800'. I can find the B800 but when I look for the B200 on a famous online retailer (you know the one), I can't find one? - instead, the search returns one called a 'U380 OBD 2 scanner'. Any advice on whether this is the same thing or in fact even the correct thing I need? Any help would be appreciated - the car seems to have lots of annoying little problems which I want to fix myself so will no doubt be calling upon your expertise again soon,
  7. Hi all, New to the forum - decided to find somewhere I can speak to like minded folk. Bought a 52 plate MINI Cooper 'S' about 3 weeks ago (my first MINI). Hugely impressed with the performance but also now starting to see some of the faults they're plagued with, too! Hope to speak with some of you, soon?
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