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  1. Just reading the hand book. Does it have to be set to split screen?
  2. Hi all, Been having troubles with my 16:9 sat nav screen in that I couldn't get it to illuminate and display. Finally sorted that by bypassing the Traffic master. Now I'm struggling to get the radio to come on. The orange light doesn't illuminate when I press the volume #####. No sound, no radio channel options now nothing. Doesn't even highlight or let me access "code". Any ideas what it could be now? I'm told it could be the radio module so how do i test this? Do I need to enter a code now it has had a new battery Etc? Regards in advance
  3. Gonna start a new thread for the radio issue. It's titled "Radio in-opp / radio code?"
  4. Managed to sort the screen. Took it to a BMW specialist in Sheffield (quarry motors) A guy there got it working for me for £20. Unfortunately, when I got home I tried to tune the radio in and it won't turn on. Screen is brilliant but when i press the volume button to turn the radio on it doesn't do anything and the orange light doesn't come on. All fuses ok. Any ideas? Radio module??
  5. I've repaired the broken wires now. Still no joy.
  6. Wires which are bridged?
  7. I think I've found the TM. Black unit with a blue plug and blue socket (joined together?) two black sockets and a loom. There was a black and purple wire broken and a grey wire which doesn't go anywhere? I've pushed the broken wires back into the plug and still nothing. What do I do to bypass it now? Cheers
  8. Battery and other modules
  9. Hi again. I've got the head unit out, traffic master switch, cd multi changer, sat nav, two silver box's, amp and what I think is possibly the hands free kit. Still can't figure this TA bypass.
  10. I spoke to a technician at BMW's quarry motors in Sheffield. He said the likely cause is to disregard and by pass the traffic assist module. Any idea where this is? He said it is in the left side wall in the loading area or is it the one you have sent me in the image? Where do I by pass it to? Cheers
  11. Is it true that the Traffic Assist if not registered can stop the screen / audio working?
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