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  1. I guess by the lack of response there are no Z specific groups out there. Being involved in other clubs it seems a pity, as many other marques have got together to form a group and then a specific car club. Not that I mind a broader grouping of models as such, but I do feel those clubs based around specific models such as the Z series seem to attract more like minded peoples, who naturally go on to form a stronger club, with a direction.
  2. Scuse I Jack, Have looked behind seats = no panel, nothing visible here - its carpeted right up the rear bulkhead behind the seats, Searched in boot - can find no handle of any sort, Under boot floor panel is the battery, and to rear of this is some sort of electrical box with wires heading off to right and left sides of car, and a plastic reservoir underneath this, but cannot see any connection / mechanism linking to the hard top itself. Are there any technical / workshop manuals on line which may cover this - or have you any further advice please, Thanks for your time ----- Alan,
  3. Thanks Jack, Sounds simple enough ~ I'll check it out - I would rather know beforehand ~ than wait till its stuck and I'm being washed out in a rainstorm with the hood down !!!!! Alan,
  4. Are there any Z specific car club meets in or around the Surrey / Guildford area,
  5. Hello All, Does anyone know what to do if the retractable hardtop fails in operation ? Can the top be closed manually.
  6. Thanks, But are there any "Z specific" clubs or meetings in the south.
  7. Hello All, Are there any regular meetings of Z4 (or Z owners) in the South East, particulary around Surrey, / North Hampshire. Have just purchased new Z4 and would be interested to meet with other owners.
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