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Everything posted by Snypa-D

  1. Gonna have a complete look change for 2013,watch this space :) Plastic Dip is involved :)
  2. Gav has a liking for Stella,much like myself :)
  3. Ive already made a thread like this on here somewhere but cant seem to find it,so here ya go...................
  4. JEEZ,taken far too many car pics this year,check out my FB albums and feel free to decide ya self :) An before anybody else says it.....yes im a lazy b*****d,lol :)
  5. e46 320d is def a good way to go :) And kudos on your other cars :)
  6. Welcome to BMWOC :) Jealous of your car !!
  7. That would be me :) The ones I use are these ones ........... http://www.chinavasion.com/china/wholesale/Car_Video/Headrest-Armrest_Monitors/7_Inch_Car_Headrest_Monitor-Headrest_Game_System and they are way cheaper than the ones youve posted.really easy to fit aswell,I can play 3 diff dvds/cds etc (one in each of the headrests and one on the head unit) or I can play the same on all 3 using the head unit as the main player. So forget all the expensive ones !! Thay also have these ..... http://www.chinavasion.com/search?q=headrest+dvd on the site too. Have a look around its got so many amazing gadgets on it :) Hope this helps :)
  8. As the title says..... anybody interested in a new Year Meet ?? Im thinking of Sunday 27th January 2013 usual place usual time ?? Add your names to the list below and if there is enough interest/confirmed attendances I'll set something up..... 1. Snypa-D (and poss the gf an my daughter) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  9. Maybe leave the windows open a tad to stop ant mould appearing on the insides :)
  10. Pretty much the 1st show of the year is the Fast Show at Santa Pod in March,but i very much doubt its your cup of tea mate !!
  11. +1 to the above or it could be the top mount or the shock is leaking (like mine) lol
  12. Give my mate Paul a ring on 07891 00 36 36 in the new year an he may be able to help, Tell him I sent you
  13. Prob better to be up as the cold etc wont get into the creases/folds and wreck them IMO
  14. Had to wait till 9pm till I could start Xmas day as was waiting for my daughter to come over and my gf to finish work. So while you was all tucking into your turkey and presents I was doing the washing and hoovering,lol Ended up being a great Xmas night tho :)
  15. OH YES DR WHO !! excellent xmas episode,cant wait for the new series :)
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