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Everything posted by Snypa-D

  1. we are already booked to go to this show,check out the 'Shows' section of the forum
  2. Hi guys,my local club are co-hosting this event,if its anything like the last one then its set to be another great night !! Let me know if any of you is likely to attend.......:)
  3. .....thats exactly how I ended up gettin booted as Mod on here,lol ;)
  4. I think its all down to size (kb's) and size (pixels) soz cant be more use than that !!
  5. Welcome to BMWOC Kelly and good luck with your search :)
  6. Can you make it so there is a marker next to the topic title that shows whether you have already commented/posted in it ! That would be ideal !!
  7. Ive just got a new policy with Adrian Flux and I gotta say it was well worth the call,my renewal with another company was 622.00 FC with out declaring my mods,so if I did you could probably add another 200-300 quid on top of that !! Adrian Flux just insured me with full declaration of ALL modifications for 450 FC (well a little bit more cos im doing it monthlly) !! Nice one Adrian Flux !! Any way you guys can chuck a bit more discount my direction would be an even better result :) ?? PWEEEAASSSEEEEE :)
  8. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.....but..... This thread has come about cos of some pics Ive seen recently of some 'Absolutely Awful Modded Motors' !! So get posting your pics and lets see what utterly diabolical monstrosities you can show............... (this is just for fun guys an gals OK) I'll start...............
  9. That'd look awesome on the back of your compact Charlee ;) lol least youd be able to get some ironing done,lol
  10. What is a dumb ##### like that doing with a nice e30 ??
  11. lol,exhaust anybody ?? I'll take ur tiny spoiler and raise you with this beauty.............;)
  12. Word of the day..KOOL !! as in the above is defo a cool word,lol
  13. Welcome to BMWOC :) get some pics up
  14. Call my mate Paul on 07891 00 36 36,tell him I sent you and he'll sort you out if hes got the bits in
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