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Bimmer Owners' Club

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Everything posted by Bimmer Owners' Club

  1. Glad you sorted it Samuel...always a nice feeling to know it's an easy solution to resolve it.
  2. Hi Emma As Dave has mentioned, a lot of readings can be taken to establish if a component is working, but what's important is how to move forwards from here. I would advise taking it to a Diagnostic specialist who can interpret the live data to determine the cause rather than replace any more parts. Alternatively, for the age of the car and mileage, maybe you have to consider replacing it with a new model (sounds terrible I know) but the old saying 'head and heart' Good luck with it all, Cheers Trevor
  3. Hi Geoff...welcome to the Forum Fine looking car and in fact if you squint slightly it looks very similar to the A5 Good to have you onboard Cheers, Trevor
  4. Glad you got it sorted....did happen to mention in my first post reply to replace the pressure cap, but at least it's running good now.
  5. That's amazing the way some cars actually find their way home
  6. There should also be a bleed screw just on top of the thermostat area on the engine if I remember right....a small bolt which you (carefully) loosen and it should bleed out any air through that.
  7. Hi John...welcome to the Forum Looks like a bargain to me, as long as you know why it was stripped in the first place and where all the bits go. Good luck with it Cheers, Trevor
  8. That's good news about the Head Gasket at least but still sounds like air in the system. If you buy a cheap infra-red temperature gun you can measure the cool spots in the cooling system....hoses, head, etc which tells you where there may be trapped air
  9. Hi David...welcome to the Club Probably a wise decision to move to petrol engine but I suppose it depends sometimes on your personal use...e.g. motorway or town driving. Otherwise, as you say there are all the issues with DPF and other emissions related systems. Good to have you onboard Cheers, Trevor
  10. Did you not say that the radiator tank was slightly cracked? If so, this is definitely where air can enter, you lose the increased boiling point and 'hey presto' Also, check the condition or replace the pressure cap as this can cause the same problems.
  11. Hi Emma...welcome to the Club It does sound like fuel pressure but equally there are a number of other possibilities and it is worth taking the car for a road test with a scan tool connected to read out what is occurring when it happens. Live data is by far the most accurate way to determine the cause or at least the data captured can lead to a more accurate diagnosis. Injectors leaking back would suggest they are worn and need replacing but for the age of the car, secondhand ones may be suitable for use. Keep us updated on how it all goes Cheers, Trevor
  12. Thanks for posting the piccy. Looks in great condition Lee, going to be a classic soon enough!
  13. Thanks for the feedback, great result then with the fan and also spotting the crack in the tank...that would definitely put the temperature up as it would be drawing air and therefore lowering the boiling point of the coolant. Just be sure that the electric fan is drawing air the correct way...e.g not competing against the viscous fan
  14. Thanks for the update Simon....have you tried cleaning it with a lens cleaner disc...cheap to buy and may work?
  15. Hi Melissa....welcome to the Club I would firstly check the audio settings to see that nothing has changed with the levels and balance, then maybe adjust the balance to play the sound just through that speaker to see whether it is working. It may well be blown, but worth checking the output through it first. Let us know how you get on with it Cheers, Trevor
  16. Hi Lee I would check out the thermostat or the water pump (as these tend to break up internally) as these components usually cause overheating, not to say it isn't the fan but I would definitely check these out as well Let us know how you get on Cheers, Trevor
  17. Unless the face drops down and the DVD slot is in there....
  18. Hi Simon....welcome to the Club Fine looking Beemer you have there, thanks for sharing the piccies....now go and enjoy it ! Cheers, Trevor
  19. Hi Simon....welcome to the Forum I believe there is a unit in the boot (from memory, but don't hold me to this...it's an age thing). Let us know what you find Cheers, Trevor
  20. Hi Lee....welcome to the Forum Sounds like you've up a great little car...feel free to post up some piccies of it. Good to have you onboard Cheers, Trevor
  21. Just got to keep a regular eye on it as it is over the drivebelt which you definitely don't to drench with oil. But otherwise it may only just stay as a weep rather than a leak.
  22. Glad to hear it is all sorted now. You may still get some residue from the exhaust if there is some oil lying in there and over time this will burn off. Great result though
  23. HI Nicolas....welcome to the Club That does sound totally suspicious to me and also as you say you can see the filter housing clear as day and looks totally dry....can you even assume they gave you an accurate reading of the battery condition? Keep us updated if anything starts leaking Cheers, Trevor
  24. Great result! what are you going to spend the gift vouchers on ? :-) Let's hope that sorts it...keep us updated
  25. could you apply some foam backed tape, like the sort that you put on windows to stop a draught?
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