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    e46 330 ci sport
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  1. cheers i will do niver seen there was a bit for that
  2. hey just thoght i would post a few bits i have done so far to see if any1s got tips that may help. the exhaust will get ajusted up when all is welded up nice and easy to do with a grinder and a few spair pipes to fill in the gaps. brakes were strate frorward just removed them all sanded down then added 3 coats of paint just a few pics of the work so far and whats been spent x2 back boxs £95 x8 u clamps to hold exhaust till welded £16 x4 exhaust joins £20 x1 red caliper paint £7 feel free to point out ways i could do it better as nothing set in stone yet or ask anything
  3. heres a link to a adaptor for the old cd player/ tape but its for a e46 easy to look up the one you need for your car then you can fit any cd player you want www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111030897136?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  4. could you mark out what pipes to blank on 1 of the pics i posted?
  5. cheers for the help so far. as far as i can see the egr valve should be on this 1st pic av added. also i blew air in to the pipe to see if i could hear anything from the engine and i heard it coming from in where i marked on the 2nd pic. i think it may be easyer if i can just run a hole new pipe do you no exactly where it starts at the engine?
  6. the egr is the box just behind the oil stick / red vac pipe. in the last pic i posted yeah? so al need to follow all pipes from there make sure all is good
  7. cheers pal 52090ju75612
  8. hey there am needing some help with a problem thats starting to do my head in hoping some one can point out where am going wrong. i just bought a bmw e46 330ci been fixing it up then i took the exhaust valve off sins it was stuck solid but when i pluged it back on to see i to if it would close when i started the car no such luck then i started to see if there was any suction there was just a wee bit so i started to trace it back but 1s it got under the glove box i lost where it gose from there need some help/pics so i have a cluse what pipes i need to replace or parts. cheers hope some1 can help
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