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  1. My first BMW, pleased as punch. If you can deal with the consumption, the bigger engine the better. I'm averaging 15.8 mpg on my V12, I drive fairly quickly but not like a loon and I'm doing longish runs of 50 miles round the M25/M3 with ocassional short runs so a mixture of traffic conditions.
  2. My 760 lives in a garage when I'm at home, but sometimes have to leave in a firms car park. Are there not any aftermarket alarm immobilisers available for our cars?
  3. Black BMW 760 IL (first BMW) 2006 Grey Lexus LS400 1995 White Chevrolet Astro Van 1997
  4. I am an 'old codger' - still working because I'm healthy and my pension was destroyed by the previous government, so am at the other end of the age spectrum to you Char, and I suffer from the kind of idiocy that prevails out there. I like my cars, I've just bought a BMW 760IL and I think it's a great car. Haven't had it long enough yet for any anti brigade comments or looks. I've also got an old Lexus LS400 and have had looks at petrol stations from the 'my car is economical and green' brigade. I just look back with the 'I don't care what my car does to the gallon' stare because I know that my depreciation is less than what they're saving on petrol. My kids suffer also from the same kind of jealousy, my son has an Evo and my daughter a Toyota Glanza turbo so I don't think the make matters, those cretins in the sea of mediocrity are jealous of anything which is different to what they have. Btw I love yellow cars, and would have one.
  5. Axa. They need proof of NCD.
  6. I've got 3 cars, and change the insurance providers every year, so much for loyalty eh? Just make sure they don't auto renew, you need to ring them and say don't renew. Got what I think was a reasonable deal for my 760: £318 for myself and my son.
  7. Thanks mickl3008. Brings a whole new meaning to 'cut & shut' with ten cars...
  8. Thanks James, yes I don't think it will be that difficult. I imagine BMW designed it for ease of use.
  9. Thanks Jack. I'd forgotten about the 007 film appearance, wonder how much funding BMW gave for this film.
  10. Hi y'all, I've just signed up to this club today having viewed and left a deposit on a 2006 760IL last Saturday. I will be picking it up next Saturday 12th. This is my first BMW, can't wait to get it of course. I've read up a little on the I-Drive, Presume it's not too difficult to come to terms with?
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