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BMW fan

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Everything posted by BMW fan

  1. Thanks nice car u have in white
  2. Hi everyone am new here and just registered I own a bmw e21 and x5 just wondered on how to get bmw club stickers etc from this forum?
  3. Thanks all sorted any idea where I can get hold of bmw e21 Haynes manual? I've seen quite a few in ebay but not any for 318?
  4. Thanks, il have a look, I pumped the fule pump manually (for some reason people were telling me it's electric fule pump on these?) anyways the fule start coming up after few minutes whilst pumping the pump, going to build it back up tommorrw, hoping for the best it starts all ok... Will let you know the outcome thanks again.
  5. Thank you il do that now any idea where is the relay on this?
  6. Hi
  7. Thanks mate really don't want to sell it but I cant see it just sat there in garage and no one taking care of it
  8. Hi people am new here just thought I'd show my bmw e21 which originally belonged to my father, now I am the owner of it I've owned it more than 1year. Will be selling it soon due to ive been offered a job aboard, and the car will not be in use, just sat there in garage. The car is sat in heated garage never comes out in rain, mileage is 102,000 never been welded ! Just had a service done and a new master break cyclider on. Drivers beautiful ! Mint condition ex show car i believe from the pervious owner. How much us it worth ? I love BMW cars just the old classic ones not to sure with the value.....
  9. ok no prolems thank you for your help
  10. its e60 530d 2004 year
  11. HI can u get me the contact details for the flywheel and clutch luk make, i will take that at £500 thanks.
  12. Thanks, i will inform my brother as its his car, the best price £500?
  13. Thanks for the link
  14. just been told that to have the clutch but thats wivout fitted
  15. my brother also haves a bmw 530d, e60, now his wanting dual mass flywheel, anyway cheaper cos been quoted over £500 , thanks.
  16. Hi people, wanting some help here my brother haves a bmw 530d, e60, now his wanting dual mass flywheel, anyway cheaper cos been quoted over £500 , thanks.
  17. BMW fan


    thanks people, just a quick question my brother also haves a bmw 530d, e60, now his wanting dual mass flywheel, anyway cheaper cos been quoted over £500 , thanks.
  18. BMW fan


    nice one thanks
  19. BMW fan


    Thanks.... can anyone help me finding parts for bmw e21?
  20. Not many left near my place
  21. BMW fan


    Thank you all.. yes will be getting some pics, the car seems standard, want to do it but my dad says keep it orignal, getting pics on here do i just load them via photobuket site? also do let me know the show dates etc since am the Ford Man, not gone to any Bmw car shows etc, also which is the nest place to get service parts for e21, rather than ebay, ? Thanks
  22. Thanks mate, any idea which is best place to buy one ebay?
  23. Hi I have just purchased a clean bmw e21 wanting service parts any help? also I have a small problem with it and that is, when I start breaking the first break doesn't seem to work and second break works well. I thought it could do with bleeding so got that done at a local garage but still it's same problem, the break fluid is also topped up, I was reading on internet it could do with needing a master cylinder ?
  24. Hi I own a bmw e21 which us the best place to get service parts and master cylinder ?
  25. BMW fan


    Hi everyone am new on here all my life I've been collecting old classic ford cars now just moved to bmw e21 will be posting pics soon hi to everyone here please guide me on here and need some help in purchasing parts for this bmw Many thanks
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