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    320 Ci se
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  1. OK OK so I loved it............................iv got to go ahead and explain it all now!................it would be the fault of another Darren. Yeh you know who you are.....(DazH) I saw the Kand N kit for the car about a week after id been and picked up the motor. ( the week before when I travelled to Peterbourgh on my Fire Storm too view her, I was pulled over for speeding during the return trip...... "do you have any idea of the speed you were traveling at sir? "i would imagine it was around the mid Eighties Officer. "AND THE REST" he replied. "this device will now show you your recorded speed.............................98mph...........Really top bloke dealt with it by means of a fixed penalty (£100) and 3 points. Iv gone off tangent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Ooooh iv got to have one of them I said. (induction kit) Your 45 not 25 says the missus!...."I know, I know" I said (quick Darren think of some thing technical) "it'll massively improve the MGP of the car!!!!!!!......While she's still looking at me like iv just asked her to marry me in Swahili, I say "miles per gallon" "trust me my sweetheart its a good thing for all involved. "you already spend too much time with that car" she starts to moan........."oh god, not again" im thinking....anyway im ranting. I'll cut this one short. In my infinite BMW Owners wisdom, all of a couple of weeks, I decided that the Lovely K and N induction filter required and deserved more fresh air than any other item under the bonnet. Consequences of me re-routing the air ducting from the ALTERNATOR too help out that Lovely K and N induction filter was too say the least DISASTEROUSE. Hence I had to pay Mr AA £158 for a recovery home to Great Yarmouth after breaking down on the bl#@dy A11. Replacements on its way. Please don't all shun me now!!!!!!!!! Iv learnt my lesson I promise
  2. Iv just replaced my Hedgehog so if any1 wants any advice/help give me a shout and ill do my best.
  3. Fitting the Alternator that should be here tomorrow.......

  4. Many thanks for the warm welcome Geoff.
  5. Hi all my BMW head unit has 2 of the buttons that don't work. The one that's really a pain in the butt is the button to change to the multi disc cd player in the boot. Iv had the head unit out and although not an auto electrician there is no (visible) signs of damage. Is this a common fault and can it be fixed? Many thanks for all and any help Daz.
  6. Hi all, this may be one for Dabsy but any and all help would be gratefully received. Iv got a 320 Ci 0n a 2000 plate. She's got 158,000 miles under her belt but drives, pulls, corners and stops fantastic. The one problem iv got is an oil leak from some where at the front top of the engine. Trust me when I say iv searched for the offending area. Iv even gone so far as to remove the inlet manifold along with all the engine breather pipes and throttle body. I just cant see where the oils escaping from. Its def Engine oil and not Power steering fluid. Please help as im at my wits end. Theres nothing on the belts and the oil makes its way to just below the inlet manifold side of the engine. Then goes on to cover the Left hand wheel control arm and even reaches the sump ( but it should be on the inside) Many thanks in advance Daz.
  7. Hey Mark iv just taken off a K and N induction kit from my 320 Ci e46. Its like Mr Dabsy said you'll get very little if any extra horses. Yes I noticed a slight induction noise increase (only when I floored it through the gears) but then I saw a considerable drop in MPG. If you want to try my kit drop me a personal msg. Cheers bud.
  8. Hi all from the newest newbie to the forum. I landed myself a 320Ci and I love it.
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