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  1. Took it back and he reset it and said its normal and sometimes plays up but will sort itself out. Hasn't come back yet so will keep fingers crossed.
  2. Hi Guys I tried searching but cant seem to get the search function to work. On motorway today and got 2 warning lights accompanied with the radio not working. Book says lights are dtc problem and no puncture warning system (which is tied in to the dtc i know) Car runs well with no issues. Turn off and on and it all resets but comes back intermittently. I had the ecu remapped saturday. Could it be due to that or just a coincidence. Any help gratefully received thanks.
  3. Always a good idea to check your new bulb isn't faulty before going to the trouble of wiring checks. Put it in the other side and see if it works if you don't have a multimeter.
  4. I have the same cradle in my centre console. To minimise costs I had a parrot fitted (£200 approx) Iphone now recognised and totally hands free. Also plays music off phone via bluetooth.The model I chose allows you to use 2 phones at the same time so her indoors is also happy.I leave my Ipod touch in the glove box plugged into the aux cable and it keeps it charged as well.
  5. Just found the sport function on the gearknob.(like I said it's my first auto). All I can say is F******Hell. Thought it was fast before. Bit weird having to pull back stick to go up the gears and push forward to go down. Would have expected the opposite. Also picked up a BMW diagnostic cable and software on Ebay for £22. Bargain.
  6. This is both my first diesel and first auto. Gotta say I'm already a convert :D
  7. Loving this car. Still getting used to switches and settings etc. I'm an Aircraft engineer so always keep my cars well maintained. Look after it and it will look after you philosophy.
  8. Auto. First auto car I have ever owned. Keep going for gear lever when I approach junctions etc. Gonna take a bit of getting used to.
  9. Picked her up today.What a lovely drive. How quick are these cars. Got a really big smile on my face at the moment.
  10. Thanks for the welcome guys.Looking forward to getting to know the car.
  11. Hi all Just joined. Unfortunately had my Merc written off in a car park flooding incident. Silver lining though. Have replaced it with a 330D (e91) touring. Havn't picked it up yet. It was a toss up between the merc and the 330d when I got the merc (C230 estate avantegarde) so having had the merc for a year I thought I'd try the BMW. Always been a petrol head and love my cars and bikes.I'm 52 on the outside but 17 inside. Picked the car up with 90000 miles on 55 plate (06) for £6500. The current owner has really looked after it and is replacing it with a new one. Hope to get to know some of you as BMW ownership progresses. Fred.
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