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  1. Hi, How big of a job is changing this bearing as Ive checked youtube but their mostly american videos. has anyone attempted it and how did it go? Thanks for your help Marc
  2. Hi, Im after a air intake hose. The one from the injectors to the airflow can you email me please? [email protected] thanks marc
  3. Hi all thanks for the warm welcome :) Daz- the revs dropped once for a couple of seconds then continued as normal. Then further up the road the revs dropped again, I dipped the clutch and the engine cut out, I lifted the clutch as if the jump the car and nothing happened.. So I continued to Coast to a stop on the side of the by pass. I'll have to get a diagnostic machine but it's getting it to the car, I just thought I'd see if anyone had had a similar incident :-/ Thanks for your input everyone, mostly appreciated :)
  4. Hi, Hate to introduce myself by asking for a problem solution straight off but I've only been a BMW owner for about two weeks so I've not really had the opportunity to get going. My two weeks as a BMW owner hasn't been the best if I'm honest. I purchased my 1994 318i E36 from a close friends step dad so I know it would be a safe purchase in the way that I know my mate wouldn't let me buy a problematic car because he's also the guy I'd be running to to fix it. Because of the car being sat on a drive for a couple of months because he bought a new 4x4 his (now my) e36 was no longer required. So I took it off his hands. I had a couple of teething problems in the first week with replacing the battery on the after market cat 1 alarm/immobiliser key fob, and also replacing the battery on the car that was later on diagnosed as not being an issue it was the fact the boot light was staying on due to a worn wiring loom on the boot lid hinge. These problems are small fry in compared to a couple of days after taping up the wires in the boot saving the battery from the boot light. I was returning home from my night shift on the bypass, the car seemed to lose all revs for a couple of seconds, as if it popped out of gear. This woke me up :-/ it seemed to be ok for about a mile. But then all of a sudden it did it again. It lost power like it just switched off. I thought because it was just in the reserve in the petrol tank that possibly it could have picked up a bit of crap floating round. I got recovered and topped up with fuel, but still no joy. Occasionally you can turn it over and it starts fine, but, it runs for about a minute then cuts out, then won't start again. Fuel pumps/filters have all been checked but all seem fine. It appears to be electrical. We have tried a coil but nothing. Has anyone had anything similar? Can you help me please?
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