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  1. Hi all after buying my E61 my old 728 needs to go it has part history and mot till August not bad condition body wise however the car is in need of some tlc was originally going to use it as a project car but work commitments mean I just have not got the time . Engine and gearbox are in great condition only done 115000 and was being used daily unfortunately starter motor has seized so will be selling as a non runner ideal for project car or parts . Pics can be supplied pm me any reasonable offer considered Thanks Paul
  2. Hi all just purchased an E60 535d on an 05 plate all brilliant with the car on the whole apart from a couple of probs with the IDrive . It has the iPod interface fitted in the glove box and cd changer removed when I plug a series 4ipod nano in the bmw logo comes up but also the message charging is not supported with this accessory nothing showing on idrive when I go to cd1 to start playing have taken wiring out and red light flashing from end of wireing loom any thoughts on why I cannot see the iPod thru the idrive menu . Also was mobile phone connectivity as standard in all se models Any help great fully accepted Cheers Paul
  3. Hi Matthew thanks for your offer but decided I they end on a 535d se pick it up Saturday all being well Cheers Paul
  4. Sorry for the delay and thanks for your reply finding it very difficult to source one locally so may now be going down the 330d touring option Cheers Paul
  5. Hi I'm presently owner of 728 which I bought as a project but just have not found the time to complete and really need something on a daily bases with quite a large family and American Bulldog to accommodate I have been looking at the X5.I do not do a lot of miles a year work within 2 miles of where I live got a budget of about 7,500 and looking for a 2005 model due to tax on the V8's so which one you reccomend pro's and cons if possible All input greatfully accepted Paul
  6. Hi All Many thanks for your replies have checked read out an more or less bang on I have only been doing very short journeys to and from work , may need to give it a long run to get a better idea. If there still is a problem what would you sugest I look at first
  7. Thanks for your help in the middle of checking the read out accuracy if this proves correct will be going down the route of changing plugs and cam/crank sensors Cheer Paul
  8. Hi all I am getting a reading of 15.2-15.4 on my read out for average mpg from my 728i ,I do a lot of short trips as I work very local to where I live, would you say that this is about correct or a little low if so what would you advise to look at first as a causes for the consumption. I am planning on taking it out on a bit of a run Saturday so what sort of figures should I expect on that , all help much appreciated Cheers Paul
  9. Thanks Jim Thought as much
  10. The heater has finally stopped in the car never been the best since I had the car fisrtly only heat from drivers side then yesterday fans stopped working so checked fuse all good after a bit of research Im thinking it's the heater control valve just a couple of questions do I have to bleed and refill the coolant after replacing and do I need to replace both the control valve and the auxillary pump underneath it ie are they connected any help much appreciated Cheers Paul
  11. Cheers v8
  12. Thanks for your help David but as I said above it was the back box breaking away from the bracket that was causing the problem had it welded back in place and all is good now
  13. Hi all next job on the list should my boot open fully on its own when I press the fob button or the boot release button in the car the boot unlocks and raises slightly but does not open fully if so what direction should I go to repair this Cheers Paul
  14. Lol thought it may be you on 755Munich yes mate as you said the lad who welded it for me did mention this but I will be looking into changing the back boxes so as long as it hold out till then happy days
  15. Bought my 1998 728i last week have owned skyline's, Subaru Impreza's, v6 vauxhalls ,Mondeo st 220 Audi quat and others but can honestly say it's by far the best drive I've ever experienced was originally after a 735 but have not be disappointed the smaller engine going to bring it back to its former glory over the next few months can not wait
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