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Everything posted by Bexxi66

  1. I've found a used one for £12, and they've confirmed its in full working condition, so I'll give that a go first off :) Thanks for the suggestion Steve :)
  2. Hi guys, Thank you all for your suggestions :) The only sensor I haven't touched is the crankshaft sensor - so I may try that one. No codes are showing up when it goes through diagnositcs at the moment. I;ve tried to make the problem happen at least three times to get the fault stored in the system though. If not, then I have a specialist guy who will take a look at everything and has a promise that he doesn't leave until we know what he problem is! So fingers crossed it gets fixed soon - I;m not enjoying having to plan my life to allow the engine to sit for at least 2 hours before starting her up again!
  3. I added a video of it stalling itself to youtube, incase that helps :) http://youtu.be/ZWk2-zEKAmI
  4. Ok so some good and some bad news..... the engine still stalls itself... but only intermittently! Not sure what to do next :( Any suggestions?
  5. Hi Stephen, I've checked all the hoses and they are all fine. Just had it plugged into a computer again, nothing is coming up still. But it hasn;t stalled itself for about 2 days - so maybe it was the MAF sensor, but the ECU still decided there was a fault for a couple journeys before sorting itself out? Will just have to see how it goes for a week or so :blink: Thanks everyone ^_^
  6. Hey Daz, thanks for your reply. First thing I tried was the idle control valve. Even tried a new battery since a flat battery can mess things up in weird ways. Not sure what to try next except to pay some specialists a lot of money lol
  7. Hi guys, So, I've had my 99 323 CI for around4 months and its been having an issue where it stalls itself instead of idling. This only happens after the engine has been on once, is turned off, then gets turned on again with in an hour. It puts itself into limp mode as well, so there is no power. I've had diagnostic run on it which came up with a lambda sensor and cam sensor, which I replaced. It was fine for about 2 days, before the issue came up again. Does anyone have any idea what could be the issue? I'm out of ideas and really want the bimmer to be running how it should. Please note that the length of journey doesn't seem to matter and after couple miles it usually begins to idle itself again. Please Help!!!!
  8. wish someone knew how to fix my bimmer :(

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  9. So I've tried the MAF sensor - still not working!!! Does anyone have any ideas? It's becoming a pain when getting fuel etc as I may not get back off of the forecourt once I fill up. Diagnostics aren't showing anything <_<
  10. Hi all, I'm in Cambridgeshire with my 323 CI. There doesn't seem to be very many of us!
  11. Thanks for the tip - I unplugged the MAF sensor, it seemed to hold its idle. Think I will definitely try this one next. Thanks :)
  12. Hi guys, So, I've had my 99 323 CI for around4 months and its been having an issue where it stalls itself instead of idling. This only happens after the engine has been on once, is turned off, then gets turned on again with in an hour. It puts itself into limp mode as well, so there is no power. I've had diagnostic run on it which came up with a lambda sensor and cam sensor, which I replaced. It was fine for about 2 days, before the issue came up again. Does anyone have any idea what could be the issue? I'm out of ideas and really want the bimmer to be running how it should. Please note that the length of journey doesn't seem to matter and after couple miles it usually begins to idle itself again. Please Help!!!!
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