im turning 23 as well in march and i got locked in with the 630i though i had an option of getting the clk the new shape but its price dropped down too the bottom within a short period and there so many of them being thats y i had to change for a better option the bmw 630i....i am nearly there with the savings to purchase it..the only problem is the insurance i dont mind paying £2000 bt my current quote is 4500 which is way too much...the main reason i have just had my licence for 1 year ofcos and the age too...if anyone can advice on better insurance covers out there...paully seem to have a good quote at his age. im fully aware of what the insurance companies consider area one lives in, age,type of the car and sure there better insurance qoutes out there...i cant seem to change my option for different car coz the 630i is more like a motivation to keep on working im looking forward to open a business at the end of the year..