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Everything posted by gam

  1. yap there are alot of time wasters on auction sites.it comes down to both parties. if you can read his negative feed back you can tell...A person wins a bid and expects a bargain after a bid or is not fully interested and ready to purchase.From time to time i meet such people. There are aggresssive sellers that just put you off.
  2. shhhhhshh dnt tell every one the price..i hav jst checked it out 9k thats good bargain..u have jst put me in a position i didnt wnt ....yo even made the situation worser. That cream interior thats the best when its in black and it gets old it doesnt look that good..i ve witnessed that with the ones on sale.My plan for the car when i get it im paying the full annual insurance all at once so there i hav nothing to worry about. the money i get i will b saving will be for something else. but yeah thats a great car.
  3. :o 9000 for a 630.thats amazing. i know if it comes to the negotiation terms one can get it for that much but i havent seen it anywhere the least good one i hav watched online went for 10700. it was magneficent it had evrything. i mean visually everything. from the new cream leather interior to the low milage tho it was 645.
  4. Thats exactly my situation too. The feeling i have right now and evry day is like im very close yet very far but im holding on tight.im changing a field i was working in to a better one. january and february abit dull months. worst months to search for a job. Im not a diesel man though, when the car gets old it sounds like the red bus. so whats the main difference between bmw 6 series and the m6 aprt from the bigger engine and ofcos the price .they totally look the same cars.what really makes the price of the m6
  5. I can see y its the 5year ncb. thats good to know about the consumption.i was really concerned about the size of the engine when i first wanted the mercedes clk bt when it came to the 6 series i dnt mind getting e 4lr. Im not leting go of this car either for my age thats the only big car that can suit me.. Its more like a car that suits a young entrepreneur and mature one as well. One thing im not so much concerned about but good to keep aware is the space for the back seaters.is there literaly no room for the back seaters.
  6. im turning 23 as well in march and i got locked in with the 630i though i had an option of getting the clk the new shape but its price dropped down too the bottom within a short period and there so many of them being sold..so thats y i had to change for a better option the bmw 630i....i am nearly there with the savings to purchase it..the only problem is the insurance i dont mind paying £2000 bt my current quote is 4500 which is way too much...the main reason i have just had my licence for 1 year ofcos and the age too...if anyone can advice on better insurance covers out there...paully seem to have a good quote at his age. im fully aware of what the insurance companies consider area one lives in, age,type of the car and others..im sure there better insurance qoutes out there...i cant seem to change my option for different car coz the 630i is more like a motivation to keep on working harder..as im looking forward to open a business at the end of the year..
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