hey guys I am new :D I am in love with the bmw318 coupe e46 I am looking at one and it seems a lovely car until I put my foot on the clutch and omg what a noise... from past experiences with cars I am thinking of thrust bearing or a centre plate. I got there to look at it.. started first turn... tapped for about 4seconds if that and the noise went.. I know tappets on top take a few seconds to get some oil flowing.. so this did not bother me as she sounded nice and sweet after a few seconds.. but in the back round I could here a little noise that didn't seem right.. best way I can describe it is.... have a metal bar going thro 2 pieces of metal.. and you spin the 2 pieces round and they some times hit each other.. this made me think push the clutch so I did and the noise got 100times worse what put me off right away.. but it looked nice and clean.. 1 little bit of rust on front drivers arch rest looked fine.. nice cloth interior very nice looking and sounding car just worried about that noise... its on 121k full service history.. would I be right in thinking a new clutch kit would solve my problem or am I looking at a new gearbox? sorry for just jumping on here and asking for advice straight off