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Everything posted by N8Gow

  1. Thanks Andy.. Yeah,,, all the obvious bases have been covered.... I spoke to a chap at a dealer & he could only agree with my methods,,Apart from the obvious of bringing it in. But I have always raised to the challenge.... Can anyone suggest if buying a diagnostics plug in would be beneficial, or, can recommend a reliable one. I've had historical success with rangerover off the shelf diagnostics.
  2. Sorry 50mV drop and 100mV respectively......
  3. Hi Guys,, I hope you can be of some help as I may have pulled out all of my hair by tomorrow...... I've just bought a 525i on a 05 plate; the battery is losing it's charge overnight. Being technically minded & quickly got the fluke out & checked it was charging, A ok. As the battery was 5 years old I purchased a new one to eliminate that out of the equation. Still, lost it's charge.... So then I disconnected & connected my age old friend, test lamp. Ripped all the fuses out & began to replace one by one... Turned ot to be more of a chore than a challanger tank..... Too many fuses brought up the draw of current than I expected.... So I just put the fluke over the terminals in parallel & observed the voltage drop over a set period (15mins) Outcome: the car dropped 50mA over a 15min period car open, then 100mA when locked,, I took out the alarm fuse (51) thinking it was the alarm that was at fault.... re-evaluated & same result... Conclusion: HELP!!!!!!!
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