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  1. Typical sensor issue
  2. Just ignore it and read the bits you want to know, my m3 is just a bit of fast fun that's pretty to look at, I have a hands integra dc2 track car for my thrills
  3. I'm not ashamed lol I love my m3... Are you on the m3cutters forum at all? There are thousands of us
  4. I'm in Bournemouth, e46 m3 manual carbon black, full thorney remap/delimited sports cats milltek exhausts carbonaro induction system and a few body mods...
  5. Jeff I'd already left mate, me and about 5 other m3's from the m3cutters had been looked about and gone before you turned up We met up before and made new friends which was great
  6. 2001 e46m3 51000miles Alternator went Airbag light (passenger awareness sensor) Smoke pouring from dash... Nobody ever found out where from even with a complete strip out Rear lca bushes Sat nav failure (drive) I'm taking it out today there is always a chance something may break Oh and my handbrakes pants as well
  7. Good call mate I'm hearing it may be a good turn out let's hope the weather holds out
  8. Not having Facebook means it will be a blind visit for me, it maybe a giggle.... I may have to dig out my baseball cap and place it on backwards
  9. I heard this as well Jeff it may be a short visit
  10. Not sure what this lot are like I will be there on behalf of the m3cutters and you lot ..
  11. Here https://m.facebook.com/events/1457614211117876
  12. Apparently at Adams cafe Francis road wallisdown 11am for breakfast and then for a drive into the forest ... I haven't got spybook myself but I will post a link in a mo
  13. A few pics
  14. And she's done I will take some proper pics later
  15. Hi, time for a thread.... I've had my e46 m3 now for 18 months and she has been a gem... 50,000 miles full history and a proper gearbox. Thorney exhaust system with sports cats, carbonaro induction pipe and of course de limited and re mapped.. The car has been very well looked after and garaged most of its life. She pulls very well indeed and is a lovely car in every way. All was going well until two weeks ago and she got damaged by winds so I decided to get her back to new condition The damage I was slightly angry to say the least and the builders responsible have insurance to cover the repair. I managed to convince my insurers that I wanted my favorite paint shop To sort her out and they finally agreed . Then I made a few requests and added some money to make the repair go a little further This was Friday And this was today Should have paint on tomorrow I will continue with fresh pics then
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