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Everything posted by foreign1

  1. Jeff, thank you, I've solved it now, Helped on the phone by Eurocarparts who supplied the battery. Not mentioned in Haynes manual. there is one bracket with bolt at bottom of battery that holds it in place in the boot hole. You need a 10 inch socket extension bar to undo it!
  2. 118d SE 2008 Trying to replace battery. Removed all cables, fittings, brackets on top of battery in boot. But still cant budge it at all. Any suggestions, please?
  3. Thank you, btmaldon, very helpful.
  4. How are you sure that the tilting of the camber, to which I referred above, and the suspension and geometry adjustments are the same for conventional tyres on BMW1?
  5. We have already started on run-flats, but not finished yet, I'm afraid. It seems there is another big issue if you swop from run-flats (RFTs) to conventional tyres. A tyre supplier tells me, " BMWs with RFTs have softer suspension to absorb these road shocks. Also the suspension allows superb handling provided that the tyres contact patch can be maintained. To do this the wheels vertical position (camber) is tilted, and along with suspension and geometry adjustments, allows both tyre and suspension to follow the same radii thus maintaining that all important tyre contact patch." So, if changing to conventional tyres, do we have to get the suspension and wheel camber changed too? Sounds complicated and skilled work. Has anyone experience of getting this work done, please?
  6. Only just realised that new BMW1s seem to be sold now with 4 non-run-flat tyres and "a tyre repair kit" that I assume is a can of foam spray in the boot. Are they telling us something important about run-flat tyres? Like they are very expensive, as already mentioned in this forum, even if you buy them from Asda. And could it be that conventional tyres give a far more comfortable ride, with less bone shaking?
  7. Suggest you read lengthy discussion and conclusions on this topic here, started in Feb. 2014, inc. tip on getting cheaper tyres, yes via Asda! :)
  8. Correct tyres for your car are marked on driver's door column by BMW. Remember different codes for different speed ratings of tyre.
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