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  • BMW Model

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  1. No one knows then? Cheers anyway, Mat.
  2. Hi guys, I've just bought a pair of Angel Eye rings for a '97 318IS Coupe from Ebay. My question is, does anybody have any experience with installing these and do I need an inverter? And if so, do I need one for each ring? In the description on Ebay it says they are 12v but I wasn't sure if I still needed to buy the inverter. What do I need to wire it to to get them come on when I switch the engine on? Thanks in advance, Mat.
  3. Hi all, Just joined after buying my wife an E36 318IS Coupe on a P plate for the wife as a runaround until I get her Citroen through it's MOT (multiple failures). However, I really like the BMW and so I'll be keeping it when the wife gets her car back. It's the first BM we've had but I can definitely see why people love them and I've just ordered a few bits and bobs for when I make it mine. It's the best £400 I've spent in a long time! Anyway, hope to be posting soon with my many queries and questions. Mat.
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