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simon fisher

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Everything posted by simon fisher

  1. sitrep. torque converter thrown itself off a cliff. bummer
  2. well how wrong i was, the revs have no started to fluctuate at a constant speed on cruise control and the performance is lack lustre, all of this points towards the torque converter no playing by the rules. i have changed the oil and filter but to no avail so now beginning to consider a replacement torque converter. any other idea's gladly welcome.
  3. thanks Daz. will do that asap and let you know the verdict. read many items about gearbox issues causing it but its not it is defo the rear end.
  4. Guys. i manage to sort most things but this has caught me short of idea's. I have a 530D E61 Touring Auto. I get a shudder occasionally when pulling away at certain revs and especially when under load and then there is a shudder through the car. at first thought it was the rubber donut on the rear prop, it was worn a little so changed it anyway on Tuesday. I thought is was sorted until today when i pulled away and it happened again. It feels like axle !Removed! if the wheels were spinning but I'm not pulling away that hard just normal. Any idea's are gladly received and will be investigated. my next thought is rear end bushes but off side was done last year. please advise. thanks in advance
  5. pre 06 is £265 per year and those later are up to £465 per year until you get to the very latest ones. if your looking at around the 2006 version then choose wisely as 1 month difference may be a high price to pay. as for re mapping. mine is done already as had it done soon after i had it. love it and love the mpg.
  6. i have a 530d E61 auto with the sport mode on the box, slip it into sport and it holds the revs longer and harder, i bet you'd be pushed to notice the difference between the 2 on a hard drive but for everyday use the auto is fab.
  7. jamie, if your looking at that age also consider the road tax, if you get a face lifted 55 plate then you have all the benifits of the new look at the cheaper road tax. I have a 530d E61 on a 55 plate and just love it. as for auto or manual, go auto all day and you'll never look back.
  8. gazz. the tuning cost me £250.00 but that was a special price and a few of us had it done at the same time. it boosts the HP to around 290bhp and the torque to 490nm. all this means the engine doesn't work as hard and I defo saw a increase in consumption by about 6mpg average. if i drive like a nun I can get 55mpg at a steady 65 but normal driving I average around the 40-42 mpg on each tank depending on my journey type.
  9. Gazz, i drive a 530d auto E61 touring. its used on long journeys and short and blasts and average 40mpg from a tuned 3lt diesel. just love the car with loads of power and effortless to drive. defo buy one.
  10. having had it tested and the problem not re occurring i did find that 5 of the heater plugs were faulty and so having changed those and cleaned the sensor for the EGR it appears to be ok. lets hope.
  11. thanks guys. I have had the pollen filters and air con done to be sure it wasn't that. the smell only builds up when the car is parked up so is definitely the damp dog residue from the carpets. will need to vax out and try the bomb idea. thanks
  12. guys. owned my E61 530d for over a year and still cannot rid the car of the small of damp dog. ok most of the time but as the sun warms the car up when parked as you get back in the smell of damp dog hits you until you open the windows and put the fans on. tried air fresheners and hoovered etc but still a faint odour remains. any of you have any tips on shifting the smell effectively i'd be grateful.
  13. got a complete space saver spare and tools for mine brand new of Ebay for £25.00. sorted
  14. set cruise control and see what happens as it is not pedal related. less likely to be gearbox i'd of thought.
  15. thanks guys.
  16. had it connected up yesterday and the stored fault code was a turbo pressure one, the mechanic believes it could of been something to do with the EGR. don't know for sure but its running lovely now so I have decided to wait until it happens again and see if the same fault code comes up.
  17. yeah, booked in for monday. i also have a x3 3.0d as they are such a sound motor. let you know
  18. I have a 530d touring, 55 plate E61 and I love it. fantastic car to drive and gives me an average of 40mpg. excellent choice.
  19. Stephen, No, nothing smoking nor any fault lights. I am yet to have it plugged in to a test unit but it drives fine now and idles ok also.
  20. please note, nitrogen is used in air plane tyres and F1 cars because it is not affected by temperature. as such the plane tyres don't suffer at altitude where its cold and F1 tyres don't change profile under the extreme temperatures that they get too. your car tyre will never get to those extremes. as far as air is concerned, it is already 78% nitrogen, its just not worth the extra money. as for moisture, most if not all moister is removed by coalescent filters in air compressor systems and the rest is taken by the heat of the compressor when in use. in my opinion the extra charge for inflating your ordinary car tyre with nitrogen is not worth the extra cash. I am a veteran of 30 yrs in the industrial gases business.
  21. so weird, i was about to post a similiar thing that happened to me only yesterday. My 530d has been running rough when idling and was particulary bad yesterday morning. then as I was going along the M4 at a steady 75mph at about 1700rpm the car lost all power and very little response from the throttle, this lasted about 30secs before all was restored to normal. done 400miles since without fault. is this the same or similiar thing?? by the way its an auto with a remap if that has any bearing on it. thanks in advance. Simon
  22. Hi Guys, I have been away for a while working in Shanghai but obvioulsy back now. just wanted to say hi to everyone as i have had to re-enlist due to my memory being not so good and i couldn't remember my password nor find where I had it written down. own a 530d E61 and X3 Msport3.0d. Simon
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