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    120d Sport
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  1. Ive ask this too, seems no one wants to say anything about it lol.
  2. So this is how it is on here?
  3. Hey I'm getting a 120d sport 5dr (2014) (F20) this August, which I cant wait, first bmw for me lol! I got a few thing to ask in the next few weeks the first one is I'm looking to buy a Suspension cross-brace like the one in the link but I dont want to spend £250 on it. Any ideas where to get one or is it even needed? http://www.bmw.co.uk/en_GB/topics/owners/accessories/accessoryDetail.accessoryId=8871.html
  4. Okay is it possible then? Or is it the case of fitting another OEM or aftermarket headunit in that can plug one in. I've will be getting the 120d sport with the BMW Professional radio and an "additional 6.5" colour display and connection for a DVD changer. Operated via the iDrive Controller." in August and just want to know my options really.
  5. Any ideas of how to fit an 8inch sub and plug it up to a OEM head unit on a BMW 120 sport?
  6. mmmmm I really like that mate, fair play to you :)
  7. Thanks guys, I'll try and get a test drive in any series one with the M sport on at the dealership and see how it feels to drive, I have a feeling I might like it as the Corsa is quite firm. The only problem I cant really change the Run Flat Tires to the car being a lease car, well I could get none RFTs but I get them with the package I’ve got. Well I'm always a little about telling people this but they might be other on this club that might be in the same situation. I'm getting on the car on the Motability scheme so I got to be careful what I do to the car but I can do something like put different rims on etc. I guess there is some sort of sliver lining of being disabled but it still costs me quite a lot of money. I'll explain on another post how the scheme works. Anyway I'll be back on tomorrow and hope to speak to some of you then.
  8. Hey I've just joined to so though I would say hi. I just order a 120d sport 5dr and will be with me by the end of July. I cant wait to get mine lol! Well Welcome I guess to the site.
  9. Hey there guys I'm from North Wiltshire and I have just ordered a new BMW 120d Sport 5dr. It should be with me by 30th July. This will be my first BMW so I will be asking tons of stuff about this car in the next few weeks while I wait for it to turn up. My first question is M Sport Suspension worth getting or not? I drive a Vauxhall Corsa SRI 1.7cdti (2011) at the moment and like how firm the ride is in this car. I know its not the best car but I enjoy driving it. But I think I need a better car. Little background info about me then I think. Well I have a condition called Becker Muscular Dystrophy, which makes me tired and quite weak at times I'm still walking but I’ve just started using (the hated) wheelchair for day trips etc. I don’t let this condition control what I do. I have owned two Ford Escorts, and two Vauxhalls; An Astra SRI 1.4T and my Corsa Sri which I quite like, but is getting to be a bit to small for my needs. That is why I have gone for the BMW 120d Sport 5dr. That is just a little about me hope to chat to you guys soon? Marc
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