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Everything posted by Gingerlugs

  1. *typo lights still ON on my dash!
  2. Ok, so the bulb ends in the number plate light were corroded and when I removed the bulb, the bulb holder spade connection snapped off!!! So, I went and got a replacement from a scrappie (only £3) soldered it back in place, got two new bulbs (only 43p), put them in and now both number plate lights now work! (#feelingsmug) Only issue is that the light has still went out on the dashboard!!!!! Someone please help! Craig
  3. Dizgav, thanks mate! One of them is out and I never noticed. I feel like such a pleb!!! Cheers :o)
  4. Matt77, Tried listening to the sensors this morning and sure enough, three of them clicked and one didn't! Have ordered one from ebay and will fit it soon, so thanks very much. Have double checked all my lights this morning and they all work perfectly- so any advice from anyone re my dash lights would be greatly appreciated. Craig
  5. Hi mart77, I have checked and all my lights round the car are fully operational. They are just standard lights and not led or otherwise. So an other suggestions would be fab. I will try your tip for the reversing sensors tomorrow, so thanks very much Craig aka gingerlugs
  6. Hi all, After owning 13 minis I have now had a change of heart and bought a 2004 318 sport. I had to get a new lambda sensor today and reset the fault so one dashboard light has gone off however the display is showing that I have a bulb out (picture on dash of display of car from top view with red light at rear off side) when I actually don't. If I turn my side or headlights on the warning light goes out after thirty seconds and stays off even if I turn my headlights off again! #doingmynutin Also reversing sensors and just sounds whatever tune they want to play to themselves, no matter how far I am away from any car. Do they just need replaced or is there a control unit or similar that will need done? Other than that I love the car to bits, however these little niggles are bugging the hell out of me, so any advice would be greatly appreciated Many thanks Craig aka gingerlugs
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