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Cotswold BMW

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Cotswold BMW last won the day on March 9 2015

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  1. Remeber to do the 3 button sync with ALL keys
  2. Depending on year, milage and service history can influence any Goodwill Claim from BMW. Ask you local dealer with above information if anything can be done
  3. The genuine kit is £179 new - that is the cheapest you will find. <<<CLICK We bulk buy these for that reason. You can get used wheel/tyres cheap - then it's a case of buying the jack and brace etc.
  4. The "official" space saver wheel is only applicable to E60 / E61 / E83 Are you after the whole kit?
  5. Not as such no It's all done via a keyread
  6. It's all done on condition based servicing now. Ideally it would be Oil & Micro Oil, Micro, Air, Fuel Oil & Micro My service is all over the place, I quite often just have one part done at the time Regards James
  7. Just make sure it has had it's Servicing done and the engine breather replaced These are decent cars.
  8. Which model? Year? etc...
  9. No probs, Thought I was let you know, just incase! James
  10. Good Morning, I can do you a new one (Genuine) - for £416.26 This includes discount (25%), VAT and free postage. If this interests you let me know. Regards James
  11. That is a strange one then, Spoke to the tech's here, this would need to be plugged in. Only thing other than that, could be a relay maybe??
  12. Hi Mike, Google Image search part number 61318379091 This is the slip ring support which could be causing the issue. (I spoke to our technicians) We do stock these (very common part) - Members price is £99.43 (inc VAT & Postage) - RRP is £110.47 Hope this helps. James
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