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Everything posted by KPTT

  1. Ho all My rear nearside bearing definitely needs replacing due to advisory in the recent MOT. Is it worth doing both sides as they tend to be replaced in pairs I here. Also, whilst its in, the previous owner slightly lowered the rear so will it be easier for the mechanics to raise it whilst they are doing the bearings? Cheers Andy
  2. Hi I love my 328i Cabriolet Auto (R reg) that my wife bought for me and intend doing the minor points it needs to address some issues. Am I right in saying this is an E48 model? First could anyone tell me of a good mechanic in or around Redditch (Worcestershire) who knows how to deal with these cars and does not charge a fortune! On another note, I will need some advice and guidance as I wish to do as much of the simpler stuff myself. An example is that I have identified a leak which gets into predominantly the passenger rear foot well and a little into the front passenger foot well. It come down the back of the rear seat from the compartment where the soft-top retracts into. It is definitely the rubber seal which does not completely seal the hood storage area on closing. The seal looks ok but just does not seem to stretch the full width to completely waterproof the compartment. Where can I go to get a new seal that is reliable? Cheers all Andy
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