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    E46 325Ci
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  1. But would that get into the cabin when all the windows are shut? It can only be coming in through the air blowers and there is no smell under the bonnet. No signs of the rocker gasket seal gone without taking the engine covers off.
  2. Hi all, Been having this problem a while now where I smell burning oil in the cockpit when crawling in traffic or car park manoeuvring. There is no smell from the engine bay or any sign of leaks. I have also noticed that if I turn the climate control off the smell goes. Any ideas what it could be?? 2002 E46 325Ci
  3. Hi, I changed discs and pads, and handbrake shoes, all round the other week on my E46. As Mike has said it should be same as every other motor with exception of the wear sensors. I replaced my sensors anyway with the new pads just so they were new. A good trader I found online was called mister-auto. Sounds cheesy I know, but I got the same Bosch sets that euro car parts and GSF were offering for literally half the price (£150) as this guy sources them from Belgium. Having to cut short here as family have just turned up but will return soon!
  4. Looks a hell of a lot better, good job! The "wood effect" trim doesn't make me think 80's, it makes me think Rover :wacko: lol
  5. Thanks for the tip! I discovered a few 325Ci's that must've had this problem when I was looking around for one last year, along with rocker gasket seal issue's too. Obviously I bought one without these issues but now will have a lightbulb appear above my head reminding me of this post if it starts happening with mine!!
  6. Did you buy it like this or is this a build up of un-dealt with problems?
  7. Hi all, Think I may have posted in here before but just incase I am confused(!) here it is..... again...maybe? 2002 E46 325Ci 100k Airbag light - OBD II reader came back as passenger pre-tensioner. Not got around to working on this yet but did find a handy tip for passing the MOT with this fault. Remove fuse 10 from the board in the glove box and this turns out the light. It did also, however, stop my parking sensors from working, put cruise control permanently on (but with control of the cruise control!), and the BC button on the left stick stopped working. Replaced the fuse after the MOT and all was back to normal.... airbag light back on :( Corroded brake line in O/S/R arch - Had an advisory for 2 years running now but think this is fairly easy to replace if you have a logical mechanical mind. Have seen a couple of DIY vids and will be attempting this one fine sunny day this year. Windscreen washer jets not pumping spray through - Initially I assumed this was the jet outlets in the bonnet that were blocked, but after poking them out with a needle found no difference (it was like !Removed! with kidney stones!). Looked further back in the system and found that the reservoir had a lot of gunk in the screen wash so I removed the tank and drained then removed the pump to gain access to the micro-filter which was heavily blocked. Cleaned it all out, put back together, now they work fine. That's all I can think of for now, or have found in the 1st year. Any newly found issue's I'm sure to update this string and look for help to resolve!!
  8. Happy Birthday Buptaboy!

  9. Hi all, Any of the BMW mechanical geniuses out there that can recommend the parts needed to fully replace my suspension set? I have a 2002 E46 325Ci and would like to replace all parts at the same time rather than a bit here and there. Other than wishbone's, drop links, antiroll bar, shocks & springs, I'm not sure what else there is!? I'm confident on carrying out the work but need like a check list to make sure I replace all parts. As always, any advice greatly appreciated!
  10. They do a sort of Inspection 2 at Halfords, look on the website as it details exactly what they do on each service type. I only had the basic 40 point check and they couldn't fault it although they did agree that there is an occasional knocking on passenger side from suspension from hard impact road tremors. Gets a bit pricey for the full service but would be a lot cheaper than BMW dealer and is peace of mind if you not mechanically minded! Can't put a price on that really!!
  11. I am bidding on some style 89's that will all need a refurb but am concerned about the overall cost for four wheels. What do you have to do to do it yourself? Is it relatively easy??
  12. Hey black ice, what are you looking to do? Just an oil service or an inspection 1 or 2?
  13. Thanks Daz, but I meant my private gallery. I can't find an upload gallery button anywhere.
  14. Posted on Facebook about it after I dropped the car off and a mechanic friend was slating them saying I would go back and find a big list of things that need doing. When I went to collect my car the guy said he was surprised that there were no issues with it and the engine was in sound condition for its age! £151 for a 40 point inspection and oil service wasn't bad! From here in though it's self service as I only did this as part of the warranty agreement.
  15. Hi All, How do I upload pictures to my gallery? I managed to upload a profile pic but can't work out how to add to my gallery!?
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