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    X5 3.0i manual
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  1. Did the repair yesterday and found the passenger side metal arm had come off the micro switch, refitted and re-shaped both arms on the micro switches, all working now. Hardest part is removing the mirror casing. Thanks for the advice nice easy FREE repair. However I've found an oil leak from the oil filter housing which is pretty bad, done some reading up and seems it's fairly common. Anyone done this repair?
  2. Thanks grey dog I think the fault is on the passenger mirror as it's a little loose when open. I've read if they get knocked it can mess up the stop points on the folding system. As there's a slight mark on the casing I think that's what's happened. I'll have a look at weekend and see what's broken.
  3. Hi as per the title I have a problem with the folding mirrors on my '53 plate X5 3.0i. They fold in when pressing the button but fold straight back out again. I've read a bit about a faulty micro switch in the mirrors. Has anyone had a go at repairing this fault ? Or does anyone have a guide of how to remove the mirror casing? Cheers Chris.
  4. Cheers for the reply I've ordered the pro shine stuff just waiting for it to arrive. I'd be a bit scared of machine polishing the black plastics. If it made a mess of them I could always have them wraped I suppose.
  5. It's the shiny stuff on the B post trims and along the windows looks greasy like oil on water that kind of effect. I've ordered some of the pro shine stuff. Peanut butter is excellent on bumper plastics, the neighbours do look at me abit funny when I've used it before.
  6. Cheers I'll get some and give it a try.
  7. Hi all I got my X5 last weekend and I'm itching to give it a clean and polish, but I noticed when I collected it the shiny black plastics on the B pillars and window trims had a greasy look to them. So my question is what products are people using on this area of the car. Cheers Chris.
  8. Hi just joined the forum as I'm picking up my 2003 X5 this weekend. Hopefully I won't have too many issues with it but forums are usually a great source of info. Cheers Chris.
  9. Welcome to the BMW Owners Club Chrisw4266 :)

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