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  • BMW Model
    e36 318ti compact

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  1. Hi, no there was no rumble but alot of fan belt squilin. Dose any one on here know any one thats fittied a 6 pot in a compact lookin at one out of E36 Z3 i think it will be the best way to go. Il try to get one with a gear box or will it fit the one i have now. Anyb help would be a winner :D
  2. Nice one think av done it lol. So what you think sounds dead
  3. Heres what it sounds like
  4. thinks there a 323ti compact my be easyer but wheres the fun in that lol any 2.0l+ engines that would fit any ideas :D:D:D:D
  5. Yea prob, im looking at this M3 engine all i need is gearbox . what you think iv found mount kits aswell
  6. Hi all, my 318ti is makeing lots of kocking sounds around the 3000rpm mark. think its my big end going engine has done 177.000 and was running well up to yesterday. Would like to know how easy it would be to drop bigger engine in. Had 325i or m3 in mind something with more power anyways, and would bigger brakes off m3 or m5 fit and e36 compact or will plates have to be made .Iv done engine swaps before so have some idea dropped a c02let in a nova. Any help and info would be massave help!! thanks ;)
  7. Just like to say hello have stuff pland for my compact need all the help i can get...... thanks :lol:
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