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Everything posted by YouStoleMyMash

  1. Had a look at the back of the radio, and everything seems to be connected fine. Not sure what else to do....
  2. An example of what happens... IMG_1989.MOV
  3. Hi Trevor, I have the model with the iDrive. The screen stays on but no sound comes through it Thanks for the reply
  4. Hi guys, I have a 2005 320i SE (E90). I have had it for about 3 years, and when I first got it, I had problems with the sound system randomly cutting out for a random period of time. It wouldn't matter which source I was using, I.e. Radio, CD or AUX. Then it sort of fixed itself and worked without fault for about a year and a half. But now the problem is back!! I have no idea what would be causing it, there are no fault codes showing when I plug a reader in, and as I said it does it no matter which source I am using... It is driving me mad and I'm hoping someone has a solution for me! Thanks in advance Steve
  5. Hi guys, I have a E90 3 Series I have had an engine light on for about a week now and I took it to my local garage today. They plugged it in and it came back with a VANOS fault. The car is slightly down on power but otherwise running fine. They cleared the fault but when driving home from the garage it came back... I was wondering whether anyone else has had this issue and if so, how much did it cost to put right? Thanks!
  6. I'm wondering whether anyone can help me... I have a 320i SE E90 (2005) and I have the Professional Navigation system in my car. I currently have the 2008 DVD for that sat nav but I am wondering what the most up to date version of the disc will be compatible with my car... Because at the moment I can only input 5 digits of a post code in, which is annoying. So hopefully I can use an updated version where I can input the full post code... Thanks in advance Steve
  7. Thanks guys, much appreciated!!
  8. Can someone tell which type of oil I need to use for my 320i E90 please? Thanks in advance!
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