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Everything posted by azurian

  1. Good advice indeed Jeff. Hadn't thought about that. :D My mate said they don't go cheep, so I bought some parrot seed today and I'll try to grow one for myself. :P (groan)
  2. Thanks mikesmith2939. That really helps. Gonna get one fitted on Monday.
  3. Thanks Mike. I spoke to BMW today, and they said that to retro-fit a Bluetooth system to the audio system could cost up to £4,000!! So, it looks like it's the Parrot for me. I just worry that it will clutter up the dashboard, but I'll have a look at your idea. Thanks again.
  4. Hi all. I was hoping someone could advise re the best handsfree solution. My E90 has telephone controls on the steering wheel and on the radio itself, but no bluetooth. I would like any solution to include: Bluetooth call answering, voice dialling, music streaming from my android phone. Do BMW offer a solution? Has anyone tried a "Parrot" model with Unika? - I would rather not have additional controls on the dashboard. Anyway, any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
  5. Thanks Geoff. My new baby....
  6. Hi Geoff. I would love to upload some images, but although I've tried, I can't seem tom do it. Do I have to have a premium membership?
  7. Thanks for your kind welcome. I'm now in my mid fifties, but every time I look at my 'new' BMW, I get goose bumps and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Is this normal? Will pass? :mellow:
  8. Hi. I'm Richard. Lots of first time experiences for me: First ever BMW, first ever diesel and first ever automatic gearbox. I was a dedicated ford owner, but so far I am loving my '07 320D SE.
  9. That's great Steve. Thanks a lot.
  10. I have recently picked up my new 07 plate 320d se and I am totally smitten! I've never had a diesel not a turbo before and I have been doing some research into its care. I have read that at the end of a journey, the engine should be allowed to idle for about a minute. Does anyone have any advice about this? Thanks
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