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Everything posted by BMWfriend

  1. Hi Guys and girls I have joined this site to help out a ladie i work with and like a lot of us has very little money. The problem she has is the ABS light is on, it looks easy enough to change but I just need to find out which sensor it is. I was wondering if anyone on this site has a OBD reader with the 20 pin adapter for the under the bonnet socket as I can't find one in the car (316i 1999 petrol) If there is someone that dosen't live to far from HP7 I would bring the car to you and give you a drink for your help. I found this on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320678573987?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT but as i said she has no money. Many thank for any help you can give me. Mark
  2. Hi everyone I have joined this site so I can help a ladie at work and will look on here every day to see if I can help anyone else out. I will post my question in hopefuly the right catagory.
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