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Everything posted by grif

  1. Could you please recommend which bulbs I should use to replace the low beam dipped heads,as the original ones are very weak. Thank you all Grif.
  2. Ok Jack,wise words I think. Grif.
  3. Hi I can smell it some times,but the steering oil was leaking onto the exhaust,that is now repaired. All I can do now is to use 10w40 full synthetic,instead of the millers 5w40 full synthetic I use now. Just hope this slows the oil consumption down. Will try oil additive at a later date if not satified. Thanks for your help. Regards Grif.
  4. Hi No there is no blue smoke,even when she is taken up to the red line in 2nd. Only time she has grey smoke is in the winter,when taken out early morning and reved up a bit,eg frosty mornings. Thank's Grif.
  5. Hi All Could anyone inform me what oil I should be putting in my BMW e39 523i 1996,with 138,000 miles on the clock. She is using 1 litre per 1000 miles aprox. She did have trouble with emisions pass,on last mot last month. She could be suffering with the dreaded stem seal problem which can happen on models made before 1998,I do feel she is under powered,eg having to move down gears on hills a lot. Again thankyou grif..
  6. Hi I'm back again looking to pick your brains . I replaced the faulty transistors on the LCM circuit board,this sorted the headlights being on all the time. But now when the left hand dip stalk on the stering colum is left in the forward position,the head lamps are on,this is happening even though the light control switch is in the off position. I conected her up to the lap top and cleared all fault codes on the LCM,which showed there was 3 faults. Again thank you all for your help. Thanks Grif.
  7. Thank you for your help regards GRIF
  8. Thank you both for your reply I am getting the bmw back from my mechanic thu 23, He has got it through the mot,But I have to repair or replace the L C Module,he cant sort that out. I have seen on E-bay,someone who sell's the transistor which is at fault inside the unit,Cost inc del is £5.00p. It means soldering this onto the circuit. Thank all GRIF.
  9. Hi Martin Thank you for your help. Regards Grif.
  10. Hi Gavin THANKS FOR GETTING BACK TO ME. The dip headlights stay on all the time,either have to take the bulb connector out or take the leads off from the battery terminals Thank's grif.
  11. Hi all I am having problem with the wiring to the dip heads,mechanic had to wire one over to the other,but now it has a pullsing problem. Original problem was,One day noticed the right hand front dip light was on even after tacking egnition switch out. Cables melted or fuse box problem maybe. Does anybody know where fuse for heads are,Have not been under drivers seat to check the fuses yet. Thanks Grif
  12. Hi out there. I have been looking on e-bay for a diy diagnostic scanner. As I do a lot of work on my 523i se E39,wondering if any one has advice about them. Thank you Wyn Grif. :huh: :rolleyes:
  13. Thanks,looks like I have some searching to do,no smoke showing though,but have not taken engine cover off yet. Ta GRIF
  14. Thank for the feedback All the best from GRIF
  15. Hi I have a 523i E39,she is heavy on oil,about 1lt per 1000 miles. My mechanic told me that BMW's are heavy on oil. Milage on car 132,000 miles,no blue smoke,but burnt oil smell comes in through heater blower into the cabin area. Also please advise which grade of oil is best at lowering oil usage. Thanks all grif.
  16. Hi I am new to the club. I have a question,My 523i E39 is using a lot of oil,I've been told BMW's are heavy on oil consumption. Also what grade oil is best at redusing this oil usage. Thank's all Griff.
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